Red Rooster
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Editor's review
Making no bones about the fact that they're a cheap and cheerful place to hang out, drink beer, get some decent food down you and dance with mates new or old, Red Rooster actually has something uncommon amongst bars in 'cool' cities - a sense of something approaching modesty.
Here, it's about second-hand sofas, loud music, a sometimes ragbag collection of clients which is usually made up of travelers from all over the place, and beers and soft drinks that are affordable but drinkable too.
Just don't ask for a cocktail - there are other bars for that kind of thing.
Editor & Berlin Local
A message from Red Rooster
Der Rooster ist ein als Eventlocation, Partyraum oder Tanzbar mietbarer Veranstaltungsort in Berlin-Friedrichshain.

Red Rooster