Budapest Map
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Welcome to's map of the city. Using this infinitely handy resource you should be able to navigate the mighty metropolis of Budapest with ease, as with a click of your wrist you can display Budapest's finest hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, museums and attractions. Indeed, whether you want to know where the airport is, or you're trying to hunt down an internet cafe (hint: try our services section!) then our Budapest map will be your lifeline. If you can't find something on our Budapest map which you'd like to see there, or you've thought of a cool new function we could add, then just drop us a line.
Map of Krakow Poland
Map of Vienna Austria
Mikorra tervezik a megvaltoztatott neveket torolni vegre! Nem birnak szabadulni a rakosi rendszer moszkovita megalazo utcanevektol!
It didn't find either Ecseri Piac nor the street it is on, Nagykorosi utca.
If you could add a lot more markers to the map, it would be much better - get to work guys!