Musical RENT

Wed 27th
Musical RENT

Broadway rock musical RENT is coming to Eindhoven with a show performed in English!

Theatre organisation 'Het Nieuwe Theater' took the initiative to bring the musical to Eindhoven and the performance is organised by the Eindhoven student acting association Doppio, together with the Eindhoven University of Technology. The show takes place on a special location; a hall on the university campus is transformed into a musical stage especially for this purpose.

A live rock band will accompany the talented amateurs and professionals playing the story of eight artists in New York in the beginning of the nineties. RENT shows how the artists try to capture the essence of their lives in images, words and music in a time where contagion with the Hiv-virus meant a death sentence. Which choices do you make when you know your time on earth is limited? In a year, these eight friends on their path to adulthood learn an important life lesson: no day but today!

The musical is performed 13 times between November 27th and December 22nd, several shows are already sold out, so hurry to get your ticket! You can buy them online for € 17,50.

Hogestromenhal, University of Technology campus