Dub Temple # 91| Blackboard Jungle Hi Power Sound System (FRA)

Fri 21st
Dub Temple # 91| Blackboard Jungle Hi Power Sound System (FRA)

We are very pleased to officially announce that after years Blackboard Jungle returns to Dub Temple, but instead of music alone this time they will bring their powerful sound system, which became legendary worldwide due to its power and sound quality. Also imagine this combination - their unique selection presented on their unique powerful set, that is waiting for us a genuine multi-hour session with the most famous French sound system heavy weight!

21.04.2017 at the ZetPeTe club they will play at the only event in the country. 

:: DUB TEMPLE # 91 :: 21.04.2017

Club ZetPeTe, Dolnych Młynów 10 ::

BLACKBOARD JUNGLE HI POWER SOUND SYSTEM (FRANCE) in session on their own sound system!

:: Warm up: Gregory P.

:: start: 21.30 :: admission: 30pln ::

BLACKBOARD JUNGLE SOUND SYSTEM (France) What do you write here? Blackboard Jungle is one of the most recognized sound systems in the world, which has long since become famous for its quality of music, live sessions and powerful sound system on which they play at the biggest events and festivals in Europe! There is probably no fan of a systemic sound culture that would not have known their releases or would have never heard of their sound system and the present selection based mainly on exclusive dubplates in which collectors are specialists;) http://www.blackboardjungle.fr/

https: / /www.facebook.com/blackboard.jungle.7/ 

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rw3t5Zs5V7s


https: / /www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kVQhqdhe1M



https://www.youtube. Com / watch? V = fP_byidMjKQ

This event happens in Zet Pe te

Zet Pe te
ul. Dolnych Młynow 10