Imbolc (Traditional Gaelic Festivities)

Thu 1st
Imbolc (Traditional Gaelic Festivities)

Winter continues! Let us send our gratitude for at he successful beginning to the year, let's meet at the bonfire and pray for blessings for the rest of the year! We invite you to one of the four most important Holidays of the year, the Greater Sabbath, the centre of the dark, winter half. We will light fires and offer sacrifices in thanksgiving for blessings and in the hope of the imminent arrival of spring, as the tradition requires :) Invite your friends! We meet at 19.00 under Krak Mound, from there we will go together to the place of the rite. After the rite we will go to the bar;) How to prepare and what to take for the rite? As for the things needed for the rite - we bring all kinds of food, mead and tinctures, as well as candles. We dress comfortably and warmly! It is also worth to buy camping articles, that is something to be heated on the campfire and drinks, it is not close to the shop from the place of the rite;)

Learn some more about the Festival:

kopiec krakusa 30-543 Kraków