"Requiem" by Giuseppe Verdi - Opera Krakowska

Mon 8th

Returning to the Krakow stage is this wonderful operatic performance of Giuseppe Verdi's "Requiem". This romantic masterpiece and memorial service were first entered into the repertoire of the Krakow Opera nine years ago. This year, on April 13, it will once more be presented in the Church of St. Maximilian Kolbe in Auschwitz, and on April 14 at the Krakow Opera. The solos will be performed by Catherine Oles-plate (soprano), Anna Lubańska (alt), Mihail Mihaylova (tenor) and Volodymyr Pańkiwa (bass). Choir and Orchestra of the Krakow Opera will be lead by Tomasz Tokarczyk. 

The 2010 inauguration of "Requiem" into the repertoire was the first in the history of the Krakow Opera. The show was created in collaboration with the Wawel Cathedral Mixed Choir and Chamber Choir Capella Cracoviensis. Honorary patronage over the event was taken by the His Eminence. Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz. 

Krakow Opera has presented the work several times, including in the Church of Christ the King in Sanok and in the Basilica of St. Andrew the Apostle in Olkusz (this concert inaugurated the International Days of Organ and Chamber Music and was one of the events surrounding the 200th anniversary of the birth of Giuseppe Verdi). 

"Requiem" is a song written as a tribute to Alessandro Manzoniemu, a prominent Italian writer and patriot, loved by Verdi. The work is a personal and poignant musical statement, a series of deep Christian symbols, walking hand in hand with the operatic flair. His theatricality is clearly felt in the most powerful cell - "Dies irae", which constitutes nearly 1/3 of the total. 

Peter Nędzyński notes in the program that "Requiem" by Verdi is not a mass for the dead, but rather a memento for the living. Extreme feelings are in this music a very strong word and life are contrasted. Adjacent faith and fear, rebellion and resignation, suffering and mercy. " 

Katarzyna Oles-Blacha - soprano 
Anna Lubańska - alt 
Mihail Mihaylov - tenor 
Volodymyr Pańkiw - bass 

Choir and Orchestra of the Krakow Opera, conductor Tomasz Tokarczyk 

13.04.2019 - 16:00 // Church of Sts. Maximilian Kolbe in Auschwitz //
04.14.2019 - 18:30 // Krakow Opera 
Click here for more info

For the concert on April 13, 2019 - tickets for the price of 40 zł are available online and in retail outlets in Oswiecim Cultural Center and the Office of the Parish of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe.

Tickets for the 14 April 2019 at the Krakow Opera are priced from 20 to 100 zł, are available in the Opera House box office and online. 

Photos by Jack Wrzesiński

Requiem fot. J. Wrzesiński Wołodymyr Pańkiw

Requiem fot. J. Wrzesiński Katarzyna Oleś-Blacha, Anna Lubańska

This event happens in Opera Krakowska
