Vegan Polish Christmas Classics

Christmas is the most delicious time of the year! Let's warm ourselves with some of the most famous traditional Polish dishes and celebrate this special time together!
Święta Bożego Narodzenia zapowiadają się wyjątkowo pysznie! Ogrzejmy się smakując jedne z najbardziej popularnych potraw kuchni polskiej i spędźmy ten szczególny czas razem!
About Marta:
"Hi! I am an English teacher with a flair for plant-based dieting. Love cats, travels and good food. Join me for a meal or cooking workshops! :)"
Traditional veggie salad with mayonnaise
“Oyster” mushroom herring
Sourdough bread
Main course:
Red borscht
Dumplings with sauerkraut
Gluten-free and sugar-free cheesecake
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About Eataway
Shared meals in Poland are a magical affair. Families gather together to prepare and consume feasts of customary dishes, to experiment with new cooking ideas, to laugh and make memories.
Polish people adore to grow their own natural produce in their gardens or on their windowsills, to forage in the forest for mushrooms and herbs or to haggle with the village grandmas at the farmers' market. Whether you are a tourist or a local, the best way to immerse yourself in Poland’s true spirit is to experience this magic of fresh produce and friends first hand. This wonderful community are encouraging you to do just that!
Eataway is the international family of food lovers (both creators and eaters) you need in your life. So, pull up a chair. You are invited to experience the joy of Springtime in the warming sun with new friends and family, not to mention a table laden with a delicious meal! // FB @eataway // IG @eatawaycom // +48 69327503
This event happens in Eataway