We invite you to the concert tour of the LOR band promoting the new EP "Sunlight"! The group will perform in the Krakow club Alchemia on March 19! 19/03/2020 (Thursday) Krakow, Alchemy
They debuted 3 years ago with the song "Windmill". As teenage girls, they immediately drew the attention of several hundred thousand YouTube users as well as journalists and promoters, which resulted in performances on Good Morning TVN and festival debut at the Spring Break Showcase in Poznan. In 2019 they released their debut album "Lowlight", which promoted concerts all over Poland. Lor is a group created by four talented girls from Krakow: Julia Skiba (piano), Paulina Sumera (texts), Jagoda Kudlińska (singing) and Julia Błachuta (violin). They met partly at school, partly online. Listeners' hearts have won subtle songwriting inspired by folk music. Despite their very young age, they have already had concerts all over Poland, including on the stages of festivals such as Open'er, OFF or Orange Warsaw. In the first half of 2020 their new EP will see the light of day, which we will be able to hear live for the first time during the upcoming concerts!
Door: 19:00
Concert: 20:00
Tickets: www.biletomat.pl/pop-rock/lor-krakow-9098/
This event happens in Alchemia