New Year's Eve in Kraków
Hi there! It looks like me and my friends (3 girls) are going to spend New Year's in the city and, actually we have nothing interesting to do.... We are looking for a bigger company to party or do anything else together. Is there anyone in similar situation?? Greetings, Kasia :)
- Posted by kasiavolihrvatski from Poland on Dec 11th, 2011
Hi Kasia! I am Isa, a spanish girl who is going to visit Krakow from december 26 until january 2. We will be 9 people, and we are looking for a party or something fun to spend the new year eve. I found a web page about Krakow night life: You can see there the events for every night in the city. So we are thinking about wich one is the best place for going. If you have something interesting to do you can tell me, and I'll do the same. Best regards, Isabel
- Posted by petaloisa from Poland on Dec 13th, 2011
Hi Isa! Thanks for your reply! :) I know this site, its cool, but the problem is that for New Year's if you want to go to any clubs in Kraków, you should have a reservation... And unfortunatelly this year the city is not doing any organised celebrations on the Main Square.. If you want, drop me a line on :) Greetings, K.
- Posted by kasiavolihrvatski from Poland on Dec 15th, 2011
Hi! My friend and I are from Croatia and we will be arriving to Krakow on 28th December til 2nd of january. We are excited about this trip and hope we'l have graet time. :) Are you sure there will be no party on main square? I'm sure I read somewhere that the party will be held. I also read on forums that a lot of bars have tickets for new year's eve party even day or two before the party so I'm sure we'll find something. Greetings and marry Christmas, Tena p.s. Kasia, I like your username ;)
- Posted by tena241 from Poland on Dec 25th, 2011
Hi! My friend and I are from Croatia and we will be arriving to Krakow on 28th December til 2nd of january. We are excited about this trip and hope we'l have graet time. :) Are you sure there will be no party on main square? I'm sure I read somewhere that the party will be held. I also read on forums that a lot of bars have tickets for new year's eve party even day or two before the party so I'm sure we'll find something. Greetings and marry Christmas, Tena
- Posted by tena241 from Poland on Dec 25th, 2011
Hej Tena, ovo korisnicko ime nisam odabrala slucajno- zavrsila sam kroatistiku na faksu u Krakowu i volim sve sto je povezano sa Vasom prelijepom zemljom! ;). Jako mi je drago cuti da dolazite u Poljsku i nadam se da cete provesti odlicno vrijeme! Sto se tice Docka, predsjednik grada Krakowa odlucio je da mora stediti i nece organizirati koncerta kao je bilo dosad. Mozete racunati na neke cestitke i .. fireworks (ispricavam se, ne znam ovu rijec na hrvatskom ;) ) Mislim da sigurno cete naci neki klub, ne brinite. Ja sam pisala ovdje jer moje kolegice ne zele ove godine ici u klub, za to sam trazila nekog tko je u slicnoj situaciji. Na kraju izgleda da necu biti u Krakowu.. Zelim Vam sretnu Novu Godinu i ako cete u buducnosti putovati u Krakow, samo se javite, imate nocenje kod mene za free! Bit ce mi drago popricati na hrvatskom, jer nazalost ne mam puno prilika da vjezbam.. Izgubila sam ovaj "feeling" za hrvatski ;) Ajde, bok!Puno pozdrava iz Poljske!
- Posted by kasiavolihrvatski from Poland on Dec 27th, 2011
Hello, If you're looking for nice company, perhaps the New Year's Eve special tram party is an option? You will meet lots of young people, and will have an opportunity for an outstanding party. Check and for further details :) Have fun!
- Posted by Tramparty from Poland on Dec 28th, 2011
Hey everyone, my girlfriend and I are in town for NYE and we were wondering if there was any more information about what's going on on the party front. Our only plan at the moment is to see the new year in at the main square. After that we're clueless! Any suggestions would be appreciated! :)
- Posted by woolso from Poland on Dec 31st, 2011