Japanese speaker tour guide in Krakow
I will travel to Krakow from 15th and the 16th, Decmber. ( In Japanese; Watashi-wa 12gatsu no15nichi to 16nichi ni krakow e tabi shimasu) I'm looking for the volunteer tour guide who can speak Japanese. (Boranthia de Nihongo ga hanaseru gaido-san wo sagashiteimasu) I hope for the person who is liking Japan and is studying Japanese. (Nihon ga suki de Nihongo wo benkyou shiteiru hito wo nozomimasu) I'm Japanese,Female, 58 age. (Watashi wa Nihonjin, Josei, 58 sai desu (^^)) I'm looking forward to a contact. Thank you! ( Renraku wo tanosimini shiteimasu, Arigatou!)
- Posted by kurara from Japan on Nov 8th, 2016