English Speaker seeks Polish Speaker
Hello, I am in Krakow til July 3 and would love an opportunity to learn a bit of Polish. I am a native English speaker from Colorado, USA. If you are interested in doing a short term language exchange please email me at: ericajoy.besen@gmail.com
- Posted by ericajoy from Poland on Jun 23rd, 2009
Hello, would somebody look for language exchange as well? Can be via email, or in Cracow, weather and time permitting. In exchange I can help out Polish both written, like letters or articles on the web, or spoken language too. I do sometimes require bit of insight when it comes to English grammar or, better yet, conventional use or pronounciation. Should somebody be interested, please let me know on email: remarquepoczta.fm ; thanks
- Posted by remark from Poland on Jul 1st, 2009