Changing money..
Hi all. Coming to Krakow this sunday (19th) for the first time and would like to know where to change some currency when we land (about 8 pm) is there an exchange handy in the airport just to see us through until the next day.. Roll on sunday!! cheers.
- Posted by judge666 from Poland on Jul 13th, 2009
Hi there I have always used the cashmachine in the airport for emergencies/short notice. It is just to the right of the arrival gate as you come out into the main airport, right next to the door. It has always accepted my bank cards both credit and debit. The only issue I would be aware of is that international banks tend to block some transactions from Poland unless you inform them in advance you will be there. Conerns about fraud etc etc. Not a bad thing. The reason I used the cash machine was when I looked at what the currency exchange places were offering not only did they charge commissions but the rate they offer was poor - in essense I paid twice. My bank charged me a fee but the full excahnge rate with no commissions. Hope this helps. Cheers Greg
- Posted by Gregheath from Poland on Jul 13th, 2009
There is a Kantor at the airport, the exchange rates aren't very good though. I suggest you just get enough for your cab or train fare. When you're in town there are many Kantor's around the Old Town which give you a much better rate. But shop around they can differ by as much as 10%. Most don't accept cards, so take £££ cash with you to exchange.
- Posted by skibum from Poland on Jul 13th, 2009
Thanks for the advice i was thinking of just taking cash and changing over there but might also take my card now.. Cheers..
- Posted by judge666 from Poland on Jul 15th, 2009
All good advice above. If you bring cash to change, as noted, do this in town (preferably NOT at a hotel, and not on Florianska Street) I have found the best rates on Slawkowska Street - check several places before getting the best rate. Cheers, Jabber
- Posted by Jabber from Poland on Jul 15th, 2009
there is a good one on grodzka on the right side if you go in the direction away from rynek. closer to the castle.
- Posted by gigikpost from Poland on Aug 3rd, 2009