World Cup
Has anyone heard if there's going to be a big screen in a public space anywhere this time round? Two years ago the set-up on Plac Szczepanski was nice, but as they're only just reopening that square with its fancy new fountain I can't imagine anything going up there. Poland not playing this time, of course, but it would be nice if the powers-that-be put a screen up somewhere.
- Posted by bennox from Poland on Jun 1st, 2010
They have put up a big screen on Plac Szczepanski today, but there's a stage too, so I doubt it's for the world cup.
- Posted by skibum from Poland on Jun 2nd, 2010
The stage and screen that are up right now are for the Krakow Film Festival, but I wouldn't be surprised if they put up a screen again for the World Cup, considering the timing of the opening of the square. Another possibility would be the MaÅy Rynek.
- Posted by bildungsr0man from Poland on Jun 4th, 2010