Reviews of Strip Clubs in Krakow
Achtung Abzocke!
Bitte meiden Sie diesen Club, falsche Rechnungsbeträge wurden mir Silvester abgebucht, glücklicherweise habe ich sofort regiert als ich in Deutschland zurück war und die Buchungen stornieren lassen. Absolute Touristenfalle!
Bitte meiden Sie diesen Club, falsche Rechnungsbeträge wurden mir Silvester abgebucht, glücklicherweise habe ich sofort regiert als ich in Deutschland zurück war und die Buchungen stornieren lassen. Absolute Touristenfalle!
Bitte meiden Sie diesen Club, falsche Rechnungsbeträge wurden mir Silvester abgebucht, glücklicherweise habe ich sofort regiert als ich in Deutschland zurück war und die Buchungen stornieren lassen. Absolute Touristenfalle!
Bitte meiden Sie diesen Club, falsche Rechnungsbeträge wurden mir Silvester abgebucht, glücklicherweise habe ich sofort regiert als ich in Deutschland zurück war und die Buchungen stornieren lassen. Absolute Touristenfalle!
Bitte meiden Sie diesen Club, falsche Rechnungsbeträge wurden mir Silvester abgebucht, glücklicherweise habe ich sofort regiert als ich in Deutschland zurück war und die Buchungen stornieren lassen. Absolute Touristenfalle!
Bitte meiden Sie diesen Club, falsche Rechnungsbeträge wurden mir Silvester abgebucht, glücklicherweise habe ich sofort regiert als ich in Deutschland zurück war und die Buchungen stornieren lassen. Absolute Touristenfalle!
I can speak much on this question.
omg mate reading yours feels like all I can remember is that exact thing you said! they got me for like £4100 and was trying to take more and dont know what happened or how I got back to the hotel. but woke up in the morning and didn't know nothing about it until I looked at a message from the Mrs
I got ripped off in Krakow recently, I'll join you. I'm a big fella, 125kg, might be helpful.
Is the address correct? I was in a strip club at Grodzka 4, but it is not marked anywhere, so I would venture to assume that we are talking about this club. If so, I strongly advise against going there unless you want to be robbed.
Lol, you must be stupid as well as evil, poor Polish peasant. When it happens, you will be alone. It will be dark. And it will hurt.
GHB first the GBH second I’m guessing #boss
I have been robbed for €7500 last week..we should all unite. Together we might accomplish something.
@Redemption haha, go ahead. Visit us. Take even 10 friends, we will meet in front of the club. We will show you how is a boss here
Enough is enough, after a few months of trying to sort this with police, me and 5 friends are going to sort this out in person. never thought id be going back to Poland but this place needs shut down, if the police and government wont help....drastic actions will be taken.
The police are part of the scam, i went to report this to the main police station in Krakow, and was told to f off and get out when i mentioned the name of the club.
i went to the police station to report getting drugged and robbed, as soon as i said the name of the club, i was told to 'f off and get out' of the police station. They 100% know its happening and get paid to turn a blind eye. I even messaged government officials, including the prime ministers office. I was completely ignored. whole county is corrupt
change your rating to 1*
change your rating to 1* instead of 5 then!!
Bunch of thieves, beware or they’ll take you to the cleaners. Stole my credit cards, tried to steal my money but hey, they are too damn stupid to even do it discreetly. Avoid!
They prey on tourists and scam them out of money. I heard some murders happened here too a few years ago
Enter at risk of losing your life and or your money. Drinking scam,, get you drunk, rob you, or if they don't manage that, put a zero on your credit card receipt, most of the staff arrested today due to all of there scams and murdering customers.
disgusting place, asked a women on the street for a pub that was still open, took me somewhere and i saw there were metal poles all over the place then i knew this wasn’t no pub. Remembering a women sitting with me being all chatty, next thing i know she’s feeding me these massive red shots, then i’m in some sort of back room and i don’t remember anything, then woke up in an allyway and maybe 3 men js there laughing i think i was on the floor. Defiently spiked do not recommend, disgusting place and steals all your money. Lucky enough for me i’m a young lad with not all the money in the world so couldn’t scam me much. STAY AWAY
Attempt to steal by overcharging for dance and by mutiplying transactions. Yes, I was drunk and did not need more shoots, unfortunately they brought more FOC shoots, so at the end I was f***d. At that point lady with terminal appeared and started appear more and more often. At some point she had my mobile and my card in hands. Nethier of above should happen. Trust me there places like "Smile" where being drunk does not mean you have be robbed. My advice, do not go there under any conditions! At some point, my phone and card were in hand of girl with terminal, yes I was drunk
I went back the day after you drugged me, your fat bouncer shit himself, haha.
Because you are a retard idiotic working/running a polish concentration scam club
I managed to delete the Google Maps accounts of a lot of the VIP Strip scam Clubs in Poland as well as Spain as they are so stupid mobsters :)))) Just report the retards as they use same accounts to give between themselfs 5 stars. Next will bomb their place with stinky bombs and I will start with Wild Orchid in Gdansk and Level Up in Krakow. Will have a knife and pepper spray in case the retard bouncers fight back.
Kurwy jebane złodzieje
I was drugged and robbed in January 2017. I cannot believe they are still running. Please do not visit this place. I'm going to get in touch with the embassy as it's totally unacceptable.
Watch out, they fill in another amount of money if you don't look. Pretty sure they put something in my drink. DONT GO HERE!!
Stole almost £1000. They attempted a number of other transactions. Pretty sure I was spiked too. Criminal
They took all my money through Apple Pay 7.4k bank can’t do anything as Apple Pay need to go uk police and make a case with them then Gonna go from there and go down financial ombudsman route
what for ? they were plenty of police operations there and nothing resulted from that.
Why don't you call a police?
Best club in Kraków
hello, the same thing happened to me last weekend, I want to ask how you solved it with the bank, thank you.
*can't remember making.
Hot Peppers Club - Be Warned! Was in Kracow for the weekend and my friend and I were encouraged into this place for a drink and to see some topless girls - that really should've been the warning we needed. Anyway we had a couple drinks and two girls sat either side of us. I felt obliged to buy them a drink and that didn't feel like a problem. Fast forward a couple hours later. From 2am-5am they got me for close to £3k and my friend for £500 (he got an authorisation text from his bank, which is when he caught on). His bank reversed the charges but I'm still disputing with mine. I'm in the UAE so not sure I'll have much hope of getting the money back as chip and pin was used. At least its a lesson and I hope it can help others to avoid the same scam. Basically the first dance for two girls was about 400Zl. There were four more transactions that I can remember making all in the thousands. I recall the lady with the card machine coming into the room every so often for more time/payment. Do yourself a favour and don't enter these places. I'm glad my friend has his wits about him as it could've been worse.
Tricky club. I highly not recomend, they force you to drink a lot of booze and they pay ridiculous amouths of money for almost no services. I arrived sober, and girls forced me to start drinking. First drink is cheap, then prices go up, also you have to pay drinks to a girl which sits with you. After half hour they asked me, if I want private show, I agreed, they wanted 900 zloty for hour, which is really expensive. Worst was that after 10 minutes in private room they told me that I need to pay another 2900 zloty for continuing. I was confused and declined, lady was like OK, I will come back in some time. Whole time girl begged me to drink shots. After 5 minutes second girl arived that she wants to join. I told her that she can, but that I will not pay for that, she joined anyway. After another 5 minutes cashier arrived and demanded another money. I argued, that I didnt had my hour and that I didnt wanted second girl. All 3 started to force me into more payments, so I left the club. One hour and 1250 zloty was gone, I didnt even enjoyed my lap dance, because they still came to ask for more money. When you dont want to drink or have expensive services, they start asking over and over again ehy, that Im making them sad, that I shoul enjoy life and so on and on and on. Scam club!
Please watch on youtube: Opgelicht in het buitenland - Krakau. A dutch reporter went inside those clubs and made a documentary about these evil strip clubs!
Whatever you do brothers please ensure that you report the charges and request a refund from your bank and keep pursuing your claim until you get your money back. Please do not be too embarrassed to do so! I had to answer some tricky questions but I ended up getting my money back eventually after half a year. These experiences happen to thousands of people every day across the globe and it's not your fault - shit just happens sometimes after a few drinks. Just ensure that you learn from the experience and don't let it happen again and don't give up on getting your dollars back!
How much you Lost?
No comments! Don't go! It is a terrible place! All comments are true.
Sorry to hear your experience, just returned couple of weeks from a stag do where similar experience, I also woke up and next day saw a new revolut app on my phone, when was you aware regarding the loans? We just had our debit and credit cards took for a ride…. Understandable it’s broken from the core in krakow, but there needs to be more media attention and warnings for tourist visiting, especially krakow… how it has a reputation for good location for stag do’s is crazy now looking back.
Oszuści. Omijać szerokim łukiem. Nie bede sie nawet rozpisywać bo historie poniżej wiele mowią. Jak ktos chce sie w dziwny sposób pozbyc paru tysięcy to polecam. Przez chwile nieuwagi panie barmanki podpatrzyły pin do karty a potem nabijaly coraz to kolejne kwoty twierdząc ze transakcja nie przechodzi. Rano oczywiście okazuje sie ze na koncie brakuje pieniędzy nie tylko przez autoryzowane transakcje ale nawet jakimś dziwnym trafem panie wypłaciły pieniadze w bankomacie moją kartą. Oczywiście policja zapewne niewiele wskóra. Niesamowite ze takie rzeczy sie tam dzieją i nikt nic z tym nie robi
This is not a night club. This is a mafia heist. You’re met on the door by an old pro who promises you free drinks and girls, you’re on a stag do and you oblige. Once inside you head to the bar, you order your beers and a waitress directs you to a table whilst the bar man sorts you a liberal dose of GHB in your Heineken and your free shot. All with a smile. Once seated and they bring you your drinks you realise there’s no one else in there, until two scantily clad ladies make their way to your vicinity (2 per person). One complements you on your plain black shirt, whilst the other digs into your annual earnings and tries to find out your mothers maiden name. “That’s weird”, you think. But within 20 minutes the drugs kick in and the fraud begins. Your mates disperse to various rooms, dragged by various ladies. Despite you declaring you’re not interested in a dance they promise you a free taster. They pull you into a cupboard before your legs turn to jelly and you wait there for what could be 5 minutes or could be 50 minutes. By this point it’s a blur. The dance, that you’ve not agreed to, is 20% dance and 80% pouring drugged Polish vodka down your throat until you can’t breath. Once that’s over, they bring you out to wait for your mates, only the room you’re waiting in looks nothing like the one before and there’s a lock on the door. There’s 2 more girls in there. By this point things are really sketchy. You’re wondering why they’re demanding a certain bank card from you and you can’t understand why a woman is waving your phone in front of your face. “It might be time to leave”, you think. Yet there’s a girl straddling your lap and even if you could somehow push her to one side, your legs no longer work. Despite asking nicely to leave, they pour more vodka down your throat and treat you to another beer. The next thing you know it’s 7.00am and you’re hobbling back to your hostel confused and annoyed. You’ve been in there for 5 and a half hours, most of which unaccounted for. You crash out on your bed fully clothed. When you wake up 2 hours later, you check your bank account. They’ve taken a loan out in your name, opened a Revolut bank account to transfer the funds to and they’ve charged £8k to said account through a Virtual Card on Apple Pay. In summary, I would say it’s best to avoid VIP Club, but that’s just my experience. This is coming from someone who got all of their money back, so it is possible. Basically made it my full time job to keep pushing the bank, but 8 grand is 8 grand and I got it all back. Now, whenever I mention this story to anyone else who has been to Krakow, they always recount a similar experience they or someone they know has had.
If you are from UK, file a report with Action Fraud giving as much detail as possible. If your bank tries not to pay you back due to some rubbish in the T&Cs about Apple Pay raise a formal complaint recounting your whole experience and threatening a report to the financial ombudsman. I hope you get your money back, I was lucky enough to get mine back.