VARIA Polish Language Center

- Phone
- 48 12 633 58 71
- Website
- VARIA Polish Language Center
- Address
- ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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VARIA Polish Language Center has 347 votes. Click here to see the results.
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Editor's review
Do you remember how you learned your own language? Probably not. It just stuck, simply because you were surrounded by your mother tongue. Something similar happens to students at Varia Polish Language Center, a school specializing only in teaching Polish to foreigners.
Embraced by live language during Polish-only classes, at Varia you will be able to pick up Polish faster than you thought. In your journey through Polish, accompanied by experienced and enthusiastic teachers, you will be provided with both high quality lessons, and a friendly, ice-breaking atmosphere.
Regardless of your age, level and availability, Varia offers you a variety of course options, from two-week intensive courses to two-semester programs.
The school has been awarded with the 2012, 2014 and 2016 Places Award in the category "Service".
Editor & Krakow Local
The best Polish courses in Poland . The new modern methods, friendly environment plus lot of activities. Highly recommended .
Can I get single chance for intensive summer course.i can learn about polish culture.please let me how can I apply and what's the requirements
Przyciemniona sala egzaminacyjna była przepastna, olbrzymi siedemnastowieczny drewniany stół stał dokładnie w samym centrum pokoju. Pięcioro nauczycieli czekało na mnie, siedząc ramię w ramię wzdłuż stołu, tworzyli oni zastraszającą obsadę.
Ostrożnie ruszyłem do przodu i zająłem miejsce po środku po drugiej stronie. Najsurowszy z nich przedstawił się jako Lord Christopher i krzyknął do mnie “Zabierz te ręce ze stołu!!”
Oczekiwałem długiego egzaminu o tym, kto wynalazł średnik albo o zawiłych wątkach z Pana Tadeusza. Cały tydzień przygotowywałem odpowiedzi na trzy podstawowe pytania z Pana Tadeusza.
Kto był ojcem Tadeusza?
Która Księga “Pana Tadeusza” zawiera opis polowania?
Kiedy i gdzie został wydany “Pan Tadeusz”?
Brudne okulary Lorda Christophera były pokryte trzytygodniową warstwą ze śladami palców, ciemną warstwą wysuszonej kawy i odrobiną talku z 1960 roku. Wyglądał jakby nie spał pół nocy pijąc whisky i prowadząc przydługą dyskusję ze swoim kamerdynerem. Na szczęście dla mnie, w chwili gdy zaczął na mnie krzyczeć złapał się za lewe ramię i upadł na podłogę z donośnym łomotem. Wstępne badania ze szpitala potwierdziły, że bez większych komplikacji przeżył ten czwarty już atak serca. Muszę się przyznać, że zlekceważyłem zwyczaj wysyłania chorym kwiatów.
Having done a group class and now one on one lessons I can confirm both options are very professional and helpful in learning more about Polish.
I'm in the middle of the first semester for beginners and really enjoying the course. The classes are very productive and every day I learn a little bit more of the Polish language, which is so different. The teacher
Agnieszka Zięba is very patient and attentive. I have no reason to complain and I can't wait to complete the next modules! Varia is a great course!
Zabawa, zabawa
Po raz kolejny uczę się języka polskiego z Varią. Tym razem zrozumiałam, że dobrze być kobietą - przynajmniej jeśli chodzi o język polski. Nazywam się Andrea Mueller, a moje imię odmienia się przez przypadki: Andrei, Andreę, Andreą, Andrei, więc prawie można jeszcze go rozpoznać, a Mueller cały czas jest jak jest - bez zmiany. Współczuję jednak mężczyznom o imieniu i nazwisku z języka obcego, jak na przykład Murphy. To nazwisko się zmienia na Murphy’ego, Murphy’emu, Murphy’ego, Murph’ym, a w miejscowniku - o cudo - zniknie nawet apostrof - i będzie po prostu Murphym. Polski - to masakra, co da się uczyć jedynie z Varią, a w moim przypadku w tej chwili z Małgorzatą Wilkosz.
Zum wiederholten Mal lerne ich Polnisch mit Varia. Dieses Mal verstand ich, dass es gut ist, eine Frau zu sein - jedenfalls was das Polnische angeht. Ich heiße Andrea Müller und mein Vorname verändert sich in den einzelnen Fällen kaum: Andrei, Andreę, Andreą, Andrei, man kann ihn also einigermaßen wieder erkennen. Müller bleibt Müller - ohne Änderung. Ich fühle jedoch mit den Männern, die einen nichtpolnischen Vor- und Zunamen haben wie zum Beispiel Murphy. Dieser Nachname ändert sich durch die Fälle in Murphy’ego, Murphy’emu, Murphy’ego, Murph’ym und im 6. Fall - oh Wunder - verschwindet auch noch das Apostroph und es bleibt Murphym. Polnisch ist echt unglaublich und man kann es einfach nur mit Varia lernen, in meinem Fall und in diesem Moment gerade mit Małgorzatą Wilkosz.
I am now on my second course at Varia, and I can only say positive things about the programs they offer. The teachers are amazing! I’ve studied with Marta Plak who is an outstanding pedagogue. She is kind, patient and her enthusiasm is contagious. Polish is a difficult language to learn but with her I have considerably improved in just 3 months! My new teacher Natalia Wójcik, is equally competent, with a methodical focus on grammar and persistent practice! The online lessons are well-structured and efficient, I’m pleasantly surprised of the adjustments they’ve made as I was a bit sceptic in the beginning of the pandemic. I’m extremely satisfied and I more than recommend Varia to anyone who wants to learn polish in a proficient way.
Enrol, you won’t regret it!
W szkole „Varia” byłem tylko na trzech kursach w latach 2018, 2019 i 2020. Ten kurs jest więcej niż kurs języka polskiego. Niespodziewanie dla mnie on zamienił się na kurs entuzjazmu i kreatywności. Za każdym nowym słowem czy regułą gramatyczną, że spotkałem tam, kryła się ogromna miłość do języka polskiego jego lektorek. A teraz myślę, że czekanie do przyszłego roku jest za długie. Znowu jadę na kurs semestralny. I dlaczego? Dlatego że Varia jest źródłem entuzjazmu, czar lektorek i wszystkich pięknych Pań w szkole. Ponadto, tam można nabywać wiele wiedzy języka polskiego. Ale najważniejsze: moi nauczyciele są więcej niż profesjonaliści na ich terenie, ale również urodzene pasjonaci i bardzo ciekawe osobowości. Dziękuję, Varia!
Super école ! Je recommande sans hésiter :) les profs comme les étudiants que j'y ai rencontrés sont tous très sympas et les cours très pertinents. Je conseille des cours intensifs au début, afin de ne pas être trop vite frustré...
Merci Pascal :)
Thank you Damien :)
Quer aprender Polonês na Cracóvia? Sem sombra de dúvidas a Varia é um excelente local para mergulhar neste complexo idioma e na cultura local.
Obrigado pelos ensinamentos
Obrigado Sandro :)
Dziękujemy Natalia :) Cieszymy się, że jesteś zadowolona z nauki w naszej szkole, Mamy nadzieje, że zobaczymy się w Varii niebawem ;)
Thank you Oksana :) We are happy that you are Varia's Student :)
Po pierwsze, gdybym nie spotkała tej szkoły, moje życie studenckie w Polsce już by się skończyło.Nauczycielki są bardzo mili i pomagająca i zawsze nadrabiają to, czego mi brakuje. Posiadają również doskonałe wykształcenie i doświadczenie, dzięki czemu uczą do nas szeroki zakres wiedzy o Polsce, nie tylko języku.Sekretarki też zawsze wspierają naszą naukę.Nie mogę im wyrazić całej wdzięczności słowami. Dziękuję zawsze!
Miła! Dziękujemy za tak wiele miłych słów! Bardzo nam miło, że jesteś naszą studentką :)
Bardzo podobało mi się mój doświadczenie u Varii. Nauczyciele są mili i ciekawi, i nawet jeśli mają swoje plany, są otwartci do zmień, gdybymy chcieli czegoś specyfycznego się uczyć. Ceny też są fair, tematy ciekawe i różne, rekomenduję! Tylko jedna rzecz chcialabym widzieć, i to jest że intensywny kurs byłby 4 tygodnie, a nie 3. Oprócz tego, bardzo fayjna szkoła!
Dziękujemy Rebecco :) Weźmiemy pod uwagę Twoją propozycję dotyczącą kursu intensywnego. Gorąco pozdrawiamy!
My experience with Varia is that everyone, from teachers to administrative personal, is just amazing! Teachers are not only skillful but also empathetic and patient, they usually make sure that all the students in the class understand the subjects reviewed. Administrative personal has one of the best Customer Service approaches in Krakow, therefore it is an additional incentive to proceed with this investment.
Dear Jose! Thank you so much for those kind words! You are always wecome at our school :)
Wysoki poziom, bardzo ciekawie opracowany program. Lektorzy na bardzo wysokim poziomie, zawsze przygotowani do zajęć. Dziękuję.
I am interested regarding summer semester Polish language courses. I am 40 years old .I want to join summer semester.
Veoma prijateljski i profesionalni - sve dok ne plaćate školarinu u potpunosti. Zatim, rutinska dosada i nezainteresovanost od osoblja i nastavnika.
Hi Lejla, thank you for your review! If there is anything that we should improve, please let us know!
Make a strong effort not to target people over 50 with hostility, obvious disinterest, and condescending remarks. It is so obvious - and not attractive at all. This happened to two men in my class - both of them had traveled thousands of miles to Krakow - both left after just one week.
I was there in April of 2018 and they were not nice to me either. I was 59 at the time. It would have been nice to have been called "panu" in Poland just once in my life - but all of the twenty somethings insisted on using "ty" second person singular to my face. I spent most of my vacation eating frytki in the street from a food stand.
Szkoda, że nie byłeś na lekcji.
Im Sommer habe ichzwei Wochen lang bei Varia einen Intensivkurs gemacht. Wir hatten zwei wunderbare Lehrerinnen (Ela und Kamila) - von denen wir sehr, sehr viel gelernt haben. Der Unterricht war wirklich intensiv und hat viel Spass gemacht - ich glaube, ich habe kein einziges Mal auf die Uhr geschaut. Auch das "Rahmenprogramm" ist mit viel Liebe erstellt worden. Ein Kino-Besuch auf den Dächern von Kraków und der Karaoke-Abend sind mir in besonderer Erinnerung geblieben. Vor allem aber: Die herzliche und freundliche Atmosphäre an der Schule habe ich so noch nirgendwo erlebt. Danke für die Zeit, die ich bei und mit euch verbringen durfte! Hella
Dear Hella! Thank you so much for those kind words! It's been lovely to spent the time with you :) We hope to see you back in Varia in the future!
A really great school! Enthusiastic teachers, great atmosphere, very positive staff, all with one common goal: To make you learn Polish as good as possible. The courses are all about speaking Polish as much as possible, English is kept to a minimum since practice makes you learn! Very structured and clear lecture material, all provided by professional teachers.
Next to learning they organize fun activities such as a bike trip, cooking Polish food or going for a Kareoke night which creates a bond between the students and the school staff.
All in all a very positive experience and I gained a lot in my understanding and speaking skills in Polish!
Dear Guido! Thank you so much for thiv review! We hope that you keep up the good work! And we do hope to see you back at our school in the next years!
I had a wonderful time at Varia this summer. The intensive course was over so quickly and I was extremely sad to leave! I got to know interesting people from all over the world and we all got on really well.
Without exception the staff were fantastic. Everyone was so kind, helpful, friendly and very patient. Nothing was too much for them. It was like one big family. The atmosphere in the classroom was very relaxed and the teachers made learning Polish fun. I actually began to believe it could be possible to learn this difficult language!! Many thanks to all of you! I definitely want to go back next year :-)
Dear Tania,
Thank you very much! It has been lovely to have you in our school and we are already looking forward to see you back again!
Warmest wishes!
I took part in a summer intensive course and couldn't be more delighted. The teachers were exceptional and the cultural activities after the course not only were great but also helped create a wonderful atmosphere with fellow students and the (very nice) Varia staff. Everything was made easy by the school (from arranging accommodation to advicing on the best things to do and see in the off-time).
I'm already looking forward to comeback next year :)
Hola Javi! Thank you for the lovely words! And for the great atmoshere you're creating while being at our school! Te esperamos en Varia!
Bardzo dziękujemy, Paweł! I do zobaczenia z powrotem :)
To czemu dajesz 5 gwiazdek?
Thank you very much, Kateryna!
Can't imagine a better place for learning polish.
Awesome people, friendly atmosphere, patient and professional teachers.
I enjoy the time here.
Una scuola a misura di studente dove tutta la squadra cerca di aiutarti con pazienza e un sorriso nelle difficoltà che si incontrano nell'apprendimento del polacco.
Mi sento davvero fortunato a aver trovato una scuola così e mi sento tranquillo nel consigliarla a tutti.
Thank you, Stefano! And we'll see you back soon ;) Do zobaczenia!
Hola Clara! Thank yuo very much for your review! Pozdrawiamy :)
Bardzo dziękujemy, Heliana! I do zobaczenia z powrotem :)
Thank you, Cristo! Pozdrawiamy ciepło :)
Awesome school, methodology, teachers, and atmosphere!
No matter which format you prefer, long/short/individual/group courses or extra activities, it's all worth it!
Thank you very much, Livia! Pozdrawiamy
I think it says a lot about the place when as you switch to another semester you don't hesitate even for a second to ponder other options. We didn't think that language can actually be savored, bite by bite (even though, I agree, some bites, such as Polish grammar liczne wyjątki can be actually hard, but then, thanks to Varia mild persistence, organizational skills and choice of teachers, all of a sudden you find yourself loosening up and actually talking it, and here comes the whipped cream! To top it up, you get to do it with fellow students who come from all parts of the world and each has his/her own story to tell (tylko po polsku :-). Varia - polecamy!
Najlepsze kursy jezykowe w jednym z najpiekniejszych polskich miast! Cudowni nauczyciele, mili studenci, ciekawe zajecia, przyjemna atmosfera - wszystko aby nauczyc sie polskiego.:-)
Jestem bardzo szczęśliwa, że uczę się polskiego w Varii, a nie w jakiś innej szkole. Polecam bardzo, bo tutaj pracują najlepsi profesjonaliści, którzy mogą nauczyć każdego
Bardzo Polecam! The best school in Krakow, I studied 2 years at Varia which were amazing, there are very great teachers and proper infrastructure to study =)
I was there 3 times. They are very kind and helpful and knowledge, what can you get there really useful! :)
I had a great time, the course opened upp my Polish language understanding to the next level. The VARIA Group was wonderfull and Krakow a very beautifull city. I will come back! / best regards from sweden.
When I decided to attend Varia for two weeks with my family, I didn't know what to expect. I had taken language classes in the past with varied results. Wow! I was totally impressed with the excellence at Varia! Everyone else has already said it in the other comments but I must also add that the staff is extremely helpful and friendly. They took every effort to help us with the Polish language, with getting around Krakow, and anything else we needed. We felt so warmly welcomed!! The staff creates an atmosphere where it's easy and fun to learn. The teachers are so excellent at keeping the class moving forward at a good pace but also making everyone feels comfortable. It is a real skill to be able to move fast enough to keep interest but not so fast that everyone is lost. The Varia teachers were so amazing at keeping each class interesting and fun and we learned so so much!! I have attended university classes for language in the U.S. and this was by far the best class that I have ever taken. I plan on going back to Varia again and next time I hope to stay longer and take more classes!!
I am having a Polish course on Skype with a wonderful and very qualified teacher. I never imagined it is possible to learn a language this way, but Varia has a great teaching method and makes it possible.
I had such a wonderful time with Varia. They are very professional, experienced and excited about their teaching. Learning there was fun !!! And Krakow is beautiful! Definitely recommended!
Po prostu w tej szkole czuję się jak w domu. Chodzę tam z chęcią . Bardo miła, ciepła atmosfera. Moim zdaniem, najlepsza szkoła w Krakowie. Pozdrawiam wszystkich.
At this school you can meet really very lovely and amazing people! Friendly atmosphere during the lessons and teachers' enthusiasm make a positive input on studying process.
Varia has been the best Polish School that I have ever visited, Super Lovely teachers, wonderful/helpful staff at the reception, nice activities and cosy atmosphere, po prostu genialnie :)
Amazing school to foreigners! I'm in the second semester of study of Polish Language there, because I'm missionary here in Poland and I need the language to evangelize, and I love the course, the style of teaching, the teachers, the place.
It's a beautiful place to study polish, i was studing in Varia in September 2016, my polish skils growed up, i was very satisfied. I recommend Varia.
Great school! Good teachers! I loved in Summer 2016 at the school and the lady where I lived was lovely! I've learned a lot and I'm still taking skype lessons with a great teacher from Varia!
And... Varia ist in a wonderful building in a very beautiful neighborhood in Crakow. Many greetings to all of you and the people who were with me at the school in summer!
Just amazing! I met great people. The teachers are nice and authentic, the classes were relaxing and we were talking a lot in Polish. I would do this again any time. The accommodation was okay and not far from school nor Krakow's night life. I had a good time
Thank you for amazing four weeks in Kraków! I had a really good time with nice people from all over the world. I would really like to come back next year, if i have the time. The teachers and stuff created an amazing atmosphere, where i felt so welcome and cared. It's really the best way to learn or improve your polnish. Dzienkuje i pozdrowienia :*
wspaniałe ludzie (Gosia, Kasia i Nati) i nauczyciele (Ela, Ola i Bartek) i miła atmosfera. wonderful teachers and staff and nice atmosphere :) I will come again next year...
Dobra szkoła. Przyjazna atmosfera, dużo mówienia praktyki języka polskiego, kreatywność. Dzięki wspaniałym instruktorom Bartek i Karolina
The best place to study polish and meeting some awesome people. I highly recommend it.
El mejor lugar para estudiar polaco y conocer gente increíble. Lo recomiendo!!
I appreciate to learn Polish language at this school. I recommend this school towards French people who, as me, would like to learn Polish !
Excellent intensive summer course! Great teachers (mine were Ola and Bartek) and friendly atmosphere. I highly recommend it!
Karolina was well-prepared and patient. She created a friendly and encouraging atmosphere to learn.