Reviews of Services in Krakow


I've recently started using thc gummies , and they’ve exceeded my expectations. From Delta 8 products to HHC products, the benefits are undeniable. They help break down lay stress, promote catnap, and despite that smooth expedite penny-ante aches. What I love most is that they’re natural and don’t commit me idea weak or off of it. The quality of hemp products makes a huge imbalance, so I always look looking for trusted brands. Whether you’re new to hemp or au fait, these products are a game-changer for overall wellness.

The Messy Head Hospital

Boutique Hairdresser

ul. Krzywa 8
View place

Disquieting weed delivery has been perfectly the journey. As someone fervent on natural remedies, delving into the coterie of hemp has been eye-opening. From indica gummies to hemp seeds and protein pulverize, I've explored a type of goods. Regard for the confusion adjoining hemp, researching and consulting experts receive helped navigate this burgeoning field. Inclusive, my undergo with hemp has been optimistic, offering holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.

The Messy Head Hospital

Boutique Hairdresser

ul. Krzywa 8
View place

The worst!!! The school sells the idea that if your residence permit (based on 1 year language course) is denied, they will refund you for the classes not attended, which is a lie!!! It's been 3 months since I resigned and requested refund (all based on the contract) but school refuses to do it!! They also tried to charge me for 2 months of classes that I lost because the school dismissed my group and forced me to start all over... Now they simply ignore all my messages, taking advantage of the fact that I'm not in Poland. Avoid this school!!! There are others honest and reliable ones to study polish language.


Szkoda, że nie byłeś na lekcji.

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
View place

The best Polish courses in Poland . The new modern methods, friendly environment plus lot of activities. Highly recommended .

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
View place

Best Beauty Salon in Cracow !


Regenerate, relax and rejuvenate your beauty

ul. św. Sebastiana 2
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Hello there, my wife and I visited Krakow on the 14th June for five nights. We really enjoyed the city, the people and trips to the major tourist spots around the city. We had a fantastic time. On the day of our return home we had lots of time to kill and decided to take the train from the city to the airport. This is where our problem began. The 17.43 train was delayed and unknown to us we boarded the wrong train heading away from the airport. Realising the journey was taking too long we spoke with the guard and with assistance from another passenger we were advised to get of this train at Myslowice station and travel back to the city. This is an unmanned station and with further assistance from another lady we took the 19.20 train back to Krakow. On this train another lady passenger overhead our discussion with the guard and options for making it to the airport in time for our flights. She took control of our situation and advised us that we may miss our flight if we went back all the way into the city. She then arranged for an Uber taxi to pick us up at Bronowice station to continue the trip to the airport. We made our check in within 5 minutes of the gate closing.We thanked everyone who helped us at the time but did not get any contact details of the two wonderful ladies who made our journey to the airport on time possible. This is a big thank you to both. It goes further to confirm that there are some kind and considerate people in this world. Love you Krakow

Tourist Information Office

Cracow's Cultural Information Office

ul. św. Jana 2
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Szukam 3-tygodniowy kurs języka polskiego dla córki- 16 lat.

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
View place

how much is it cost to wash my 2 kilos dirty clothes. and should i bring my detergent with me

Pepe Laundry

Self-service laundry in the city centre

ul. Dietla 51, ul. Długa 58
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United States

I was there in April of 2018 and they were not nice to me either. I was 59 at the time. It would have been nice to have been called "panu" in Poland just once in my life - but all of the twenty somethings insisted on using "ty" second person singular to my face. I spent most of my vacation eating frytki in the street from a food stand.

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
View place

I have rooms for Ukrainian family. Free, from English family. The owner is a Homeopath!

Apteka Studencka

Studencka street chemists

ul. Studencka 7
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Sadu for your work with Ukrainian refugees.

Sanghaloka Buddhist Centre

Meditation classes and more

ul. Augustiańska 4
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Umówiłam się na zabieg peelingu kawitacyjnego twarzy. Na karcie informacyjnej zaznaczyłam, iż obszar, który ma zostać poddany zabiegowi to twarz. Przed zabiegiem Pani kosmetyczka zapytała, czy reflektuje na peeling twarzy z maska kremową za 200 zł czy peeling twarzy z maską algową za 220 zł - zdecydowałam się na drugą opcję. Jakież było moje zdziwienie, kiedy, gdy przyszło do zapłaty usłyszałam, że wykonano zabieg peelingu kawitacyjnego twarzy, szyi i dekoltu za 260 zł. Zostałam naciągnięta, za to co uważałam za działania promocyjne, musiałam słono zapłacić. Na pisemną skargę nie usłyszałam nawet słowa: przepraszam. Nie polecam, radzę uważać.

Ambra Day Spa

Spoil yourself for a day

ul. Królowej Jadwigi 100
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OMG! it was the best massage ever, thank you very much for so good experience. I will be back very soon.

CHAIYO Thai Massage Centre

Traditional Thai Masseuses trained at Wat Po Temple

ul. Grodzka 27/3, ul. Dietla 103/2
View place

Worst hairdresser I’ve ever been to. Ruined my hair twice - first time, my hair fell out because the new guy did it for the first time without any supervision, and then they gave me a very uneven haircut,

Hair & Beauty ROMAN

A feast for the body and soul

ul. Gołębia 1
View place

Thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The atmosphere was quiet (bonus) and soothing. My personal favorite is the heated pads which one lays on for the massage. Highly recommended, will return.

Thai Smile

Healing massage in Krakow

ul. Krakowska 3
View place

Can I get single chance for intensive summer course.i can learn about polish culture.please let me how can I apply and what's the requirements

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
View place

Beautiful city, but lose your horse and carriage rides. I hate profiting from any animal. These horses are out in all weathers. Not a good look

Tourist Information Office

Cracow's Cultural Information Office

ul. św. Jana 2
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United States

Przyciemniona sala egzaminacyjna była przepastna, olbrzymi siedemnastowieczny drewniany stół stał dokładnie w samym centrum pokoju. Pięcioro nauczycieli czekało na mnie, siedząc ramię w ramię wzdłuż stołu, tworzyli oni zastraszającą obsadę. Ostrożnie ruszyłem do przodu i zająłem miejsce po środku po drugiej stronie. Najsurowszy z nich przedstawił się jako Lord Christopher i krzyknął do mnie “Zabierz te ręce ze stołu!!” Oczekiwałem długiego egzaminu o tym, kto wynalazł średnik albo o zawiłych wątkach z Pana Tadeusza. Cały tydzień przygotowywałem odpowiedzi na trzy podstawowe pytania z Pana Tadeusza. Kto był ojcem Tadeusza? Która Księga “Pana Tadeusza” zawiera opis polowania? Kiedy i gdzie został wydany “Pan Tadeusz”? Brudne okulary Lorda Christophera były pokryte trzytygodniową warstwą ze śladami palców, ciemną warstwą wysuszonej kawy i odrobiną talku z 1960 roku. Wyglądał jakby nie spał pół nocy pijąc whisky i prowadząc przydługą dyskusję ze swoim kamerdynerem. Na szczęście dla mnie, w chwili gdy zaczął na mnie krzyczeć złapał się za lewe ramię i upadł na podłogę z donośnym łomotem. Wstępne badania ze szpitala potwierdziły, że bez większych komplikacji przeżył ten czwarty już atak serca. Muszę się przyznać, że zlekceważyłem zwyczaj wysyłania chorym kwiatów.

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
View place

Having done a group class and now one on one lessons I can confirm both options are very professional and helpful in learning more about Polish.

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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A very big thanks to Magda Grzybowska and Bartosz for their very efficient work to find tenants for our house and for their support in the deal. A specific thanks to Magda who was very active to finalise the contract despite the fact that she was on holidays. Very professional and nice to work with, I recommend.

Hamilton May

One of Krakow's leading licensed real estate agents

ul. Cybulskiego 2
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I'm in the middle of the first semester for beginners and really enjoying the course. The classes are very productive and every day I learn a little bit more of the Polish language, which is so different. The teacher Agnieszka Zięba is very patient and attentive. I have no reason to complain and I can't wait to complete the next modules! Varia is a great course!

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
View place

Zabawa, zabawa Po raz kolejny uczę się języka polskiego z Varią. Tym razem zrozumiałam, że dobrze być kobietą - przynajmniej jeśli chodzi o język polski. Nazywam się Andrea Mueller, a moje imię odmienia się przez przypadki: Andrei, Andreę, Andreą, Andrei, więc prawie można jeszcze go rozpoznać, a Mueller cały czas jest jak jest - bez zmiany. Współczuję jednak mężczyznom o imieniu i nazwisku z języka obcego, jak na przykład Murphy. To nazwisko się zmienia na Murphy’ego, Murphy’emu, Murphy’ego, Murph’ym, a w miejscowniku - o cudo - zniknie nawet apostrof - i będzie po prostu Murphym. Polski - to masakra, co da się uczyć jedynie z Varią, a w moim przypadku w tej chwili z Małgorzatą Wilkosz. Zum wiederholten Mal lerne ich Polnisch mit Varia. Dieses Mal verstand ich, dass es gut ist, eine Frau zu sein - jedenfalls was das Polnische angeht. Ich heiße Andrea Müller und mein Vorname verändert sich in den einzelnen Fällen kaum: Andrei, Andreę, Andreą, Andrei, man kann ihn also einigermaßen wieder erkennen. Müller bleibt Müller - ohne Änderung. Ich fühle jedoch mit den Männern, die einen nichtpolnischen Vor- und Zunamen haben wie zum Beispiel Murphy. Dieser Nachname ändert sich durch die Fälle in Murphy’ego, Murphy’emu, Murphy’ego, Murph’ym und im 6. Fall - oh Wunder - verschwindet auch noch das Apostroph und es bleibt Murphym. Polnisch ist echt unglaublich und man kann es einfach nur mit Varia lernen, in meinem Fall und in diesem Moment gerade mit Małgorzatą Wilkosz.

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
View place

I am now on my second course at Varia, and I can only say positive things about the programs they offer. The teachers are amazing! I’ve studied with Marta Plak who is an outstanding pedagogue. She is kind, patient and her enthusiasm is contagious. Polish is a difficult language to learn but with her I have considerably improved in just 3 months! My new teacher Natalia Wójcik, is equally competent, with a methodical focus on grammar and persistent practice! The online lessons are well-structured and efficient, I’m pleasantly surprised of the adjustments they’ve made as I was a bit sceptic in the beginning of the pandemic. I’m extremely satisfied and I more than recommend Varia to anyone who wants to learn polish in a proficient way. Enrol, you won’t regret it!

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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Uczę się już drugi kurs, bardzo mi podoba się

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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Very good online lesson with Magdalena Szymczak ever :-D!!!

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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W szkole „Varia” byłem tylko na trzech kursach w latach 2018, 2019 i 2020. Ten kurs jest więcej niż kurs języka polskiego. Niespodziewanie dla mnie on zamienił się na kurs entuzjazmu i kreatywności. Za każdym nowym słowem czy regułą gramatyczną, że spotkałem tam, kryła się ogromna miłość do języka polskiego jego lektorek. A teraz myślę, że czekanie do przyszłego roku jest za długie. Znowu jadę na kurs semestralny. I dlaczego? Dlatego że Varia jest źródłem entuzjazmu, czar lektorek i wszystkich pięknych Pań w szkole. Ponadto, tam można nabywać wiele wiedzy języka polskiego. Ale najważniejsze: moi nauczyciele są więcej niż profesjonaliści na ich terenie, ale również urodzene pasjonaci i bardzo ciekawe osobowości. Dziękuję, Varia!

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
View place

Merci Pascal :)

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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Thank you Damien :)

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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Obrigado Sandro :)

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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Super école ! Je recommande sans hésiter :) les profs comme les étudiants que j'y ai rencontrés sont tous très sympas et les cours très pertinents. Je conseille des cours intensifs au début, afin de ne pas être trop vite frustré...

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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Very cool teachers and adapted content

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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Quer aprender Polonês na Cracóvia? Sem sombra de dúvidas a Varia é um excelente local para mergulhar neste complexo idioma e na cultura local. Obrigado pelos ensinamentos

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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Dziękujemy Natalia :) Cieszymy się, że jesteś zadowolona z nauki w naszej szkole, Mamy nadzieje, że zobaczymy się w Varii niebawem ;)

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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Super szkoła, super nauczyciele!

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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Thank you Oksana :) We are happy that you are Varia's Student :)

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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I can highly recommend the school. Interesting and diverse lessons, enthusiastic teachers

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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Dear Jose! Thank you so much for those kind words! You are always wecome at our school :)

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
View place

Dziękujemy Rebecco :) Weźmiemy pod uwagę Twoją propozycję dotyczącą kursu intensywnego. Gorąco pozdrawiamy!

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
View place

Miła! Dziękujemy za tak wiele miłych słów! Bardzo nam miło, że jesteś naszą studentką :)

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
View place

Po pierwsze, gdybym nie spotkała tej szkoły, moje życie studenckie w Polsce już by się skończyło.Nauczycielki są bardzo mili i pomagająca i zawsze nadrabiają to, czego mi brakuje. Posiadają również doskonałe wykształcenie i doświadczenie, dzięki czemu uczą do nas szeroki zakres wiedzy o Polsce, nie tylko języku.Sekretarki też zawsze wspierają naszą naukę.Nie mogę im wyrazić całej wdzięczności słowami. Dziękuję zawsze!

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
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United States

Bardzo podobało mi się mój doświadczenie u Varii. Nauczyciele są mili i ciekawi, i nawet jeśli mają swoje plany, są otwartci do zmień, gdybymy chcieli czegoś specyfycznego się uczyć. Ceny też są fair, tematy ciekawe i różne, rekomenduję! Tylko jedna rzecz chcialabym widzieć, i to jest że intensywny kurs byłby 4 tygodnie, a nie 3. Oprócz tego, bardzo fayjna szkoła!

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
View place
Costa Rica

My experience with Varia is that everyone, from teachers to administrative personal, is just amazing! Teachers are not only skillful but also empathetic and patient, they usually make sure that all the students in the class understand the subjects reviewed. Administrative personal has one of the best Customer Service approaches in Krakow, therefore it is an additional incentive to proceed with this investment.

VARIA Polish Language Center

Polish language courses for foreigners

ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
View place

My friend and I booked a tour of Krakow and we spent 6 hours walking through the city's sights - David has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the city's history and we would never have found even half of the places to directed us to. He is a photographer which was great for us because he pointed out where and when were the best places to take images. The tour itself was leisurely and gave us plenty of opportunities to photograph places of interest. From time to time David recommended we take a rest and take stock, usually in a cafe. He judged that perfectly. David is very good company and took a lot of trouble to check that we were happy with the tour and what he intended to show us. Honestly, it was perfect. We re-visited quite a few of the places he showed us to see them at more leisure two days later. If you want a guide for this beautiful city David should be your starting point. Highly recommended.

Krakow Photo Tours

Discover your hidden talent

ul. Łódzka 12
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United Kingdom

A friend and I took a tour with David on the first afternoon of our visit to Krakow. This was David's first tour in a year due to a leg injury and he was still not walking without difficulty during the tour. Despite this, David never complained and the tour was absolutely fantastic. If you want to be taken to tourist hot spots grab yourself one of the hundreds of tours that are advertised. If you want to see the key areas of the city as well as places and venues that you would never find on your own and offer something different then David is your man. As keen photographers we had the opportunity to stop and do our thing but most importantly the tour set us up for our independent time in the city. David is patient, knowledgeable about the city he lives in and clearly loves and great compony. His communication and follow up are second to none and I cannot think of a reason why as a photographer you would not want to book a tour with him.

Krakow Photo Tours

Discover your hidden talent

ul. Łódzka 12
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South Africa

Hello Sir/Madam I'm interesting about the language lessons but I would love to get more information it, such admission fees, the duration thank you Kind regards

GLOSSA Polish Language School

Learn Polish with the Experts

ul. Dietla 103/1
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United States

They lie and they don't care. They are not 24 hours and you can't make international calls. They are completely useless and nasty as well.

Internet Cafe Hetmanska

Internet access in the centre of town

ul. Bracka 4
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The coffee machines don't work! They just take money and do not give any coffee. I was there 2 months ago but my friend checked it today - it's the same!

Main Bus Station

RDA Bus Station provides a start to major and minor destinations in Poland

ul. Bosacka 18
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Well it is a scam, yes. Fortunately I figured it out before paying the whole amount. Simply when I saw that the classes were performed in some kind of corridor and the teachers were changing every time, for me it was obvious that something is wrong. But when they asked me to pay whole amount immediately I already knew that they are cheating 100% and I was right. I didn't pay, but the rest of the students paid everything and after 2 more classed they cancelled everything and locked the so called "classroom" which was simply a corridor with a board and 4 chairs. Pathetic !


BEWARE THIS SCAM! I bought my 8 hour day tour for the Auschwitz-Birkenau and Schindler's Factory Tour, and came from Canada for this. I waited with another family, and NO ONE SHOWED UP. We called and were told "all we can do is cancel your booking and refund you". I then later called the office when they were open, and they tell me they didn't even buy the tickets for the tours that we paid for (I paid for mine over 1 month in advance), then they hung up on me! SAVE YOUR TIME, MONEY AND FRUSTRATION!

Tourist Information Office

Cracow's Cultural Information Office

ul. św. Jana 2
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