Krynica Weather

What's the weather in Krynica like?

Krynica has long been known for its specific microclimate and a balmy air, soaked with pine tree essential oils, ozone and iodine. But did you know that this town has actually more sunny days on the average than the other places in the area of Beskid Sadecki mountains? This is because of Krynica's prime location on the southern, sunny slopes of the local valley, that also shelters the city from harsh winds.

The weather in Krynica is quite stable; the highest average temperature is in July, ca. +17°C, and the lowest average is in January, ca. -3,6°C. But mind you, above 1100 m. (e.g. on Mt. Jaworzyna Krynicka) the weather conditions are much more austere. The most rainy month is June, and the most sunny one is September. The first frosts appear at the beginning of October, and are gone by mid-May. 

The snow in Krynica lasts ca. 120 days, from mid-November to the end of March, and reaches 30-35 cm on average, and sometimes even up to 1 m., which makes Krynica a perfect place for the snow frenzy amateurs.

No matter what the season, you can always be well prepared for exploring Krynica and the area: just check our Krynica Life weather forecast for detailed info.



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