Lviv Weather
What's the weather in Lviv like?
The seasons are decidedly distinct here in Lviv. Typically, you'll get a snow-laden Winter, with temperatures averaging around -4"C in January. When Spring arrives, everyone feels like they've earnt it, and what with Lviv being full of parks and tree-lined avenues you'll be able to savour the transition. Summers are usually well-stocked with sunshine - the norm in June is 18"C. But ask a Lvivite which season he really likes the most, quite often it's Autumn that gets the vote. The famed 'Golden Autumns' can indeed be magical, which has a lot to do with the aforementioned greenery. There's something about the quality of light at this time of year that's especially enchanting. All the same, don't be put off by the idea of a teeth-chattering Winter. The snows create a picturesque ensemble, and provided you dress up properly, you'll hardly notice the chill.