You never know when you'll need a helping hand in Minsk, in between all the exploring, museum-hopping, and wining and dining.
Our services directory is here to help you find exactly what you're looking for, whether it's medical care, transportation information, or simply a good hair cut. The directory is especially handy for those of us who aren't fluent Russian or Belarusian speakers, and Googling services in Minsk with English search terms is inadequate to say the least. We hope to gather a comprehensive list of essential services for visitors, expats, and exchange students, and our list is growing all the time!
23 floors actually and it is important to know that the deck is open daily from 1200 till 2230 (entrance fee is BYR 8000 per person).
My Wife Said its Very Cheap and its not complicated as LONDON UNDERGROUND!!! RANDOM STOP BY THE POLICE IS EXPECTED!!!
The price is the same to any destination you are going. It is very cheap- around 10 euro cents.
This is interesting. Is it the same price for any distance you travel, or different depending on how far you go?