Minsk Weather
What's the weather in Minsk like?
Wondering if it's sunny in Minsk? Check out our short-term weather prognosis above, listing the minimum and maximum temperatures forecast for Minsk in Belarus. Or have a look at the average temperature highs throughout the year in Minsk in our month-by-month chart below:
January: -3 Celsius
February: -1 Celsius
March: 3 Celsius
April: 12 Celsius
May: 18 Celsius
June: 22 Celsius
July: 22 Celsius
August: 22 Celsius
September: 16 Celsius
October: 10 Celsius
November: 3 Celsius
December: -1 Celsius
Minsk has a warm summer Humid Continental Climate, which means the weather is similar to such regions as Canada, northwestern USA, and central and eastern Europe. Summers are typically hot and humid and winters are quite cold, reaching as low as -8 degrees Celsius on average in January and February. While most former Soviet nations are often lumbered with tired cold-weather stereotypes (fur coats and all), Minsk's winters are not bitterly cold and are actually quite a bit warmer than winter in St. Petersburg or Moscow. Overall, the main attribute of Minsk's climate is its changeability - so make sure to pack an umbrella!
I haven't been here that long, and if the current weather is anything to go by, I don't think I will stay here much longer! It's freezing!