Mobile Museum of Poznan Uprising Opens

The Mobile Museum of Poznan Uprising is first and foremost a state-of-the-art way to experience tradition and build the local identity of the residents of the Wielkopolska district.

"The idea behind the project is not only the educational aspect. The mobile museum is first and foremost a social initiative, which combines the engagement of the academic society, institutions, history passionates, as well as private people, for whom patriotism is a value and who want to present the history of our region in a completely different way" says Agnieszka Wiśniewska, the Chairwoman of the Wielkopolska Brandtyzm Foundation, the author of the mobile museum idea.

Wiśniewska says that in response to an appeal regarding the project many keepsakes were donated. Also, the initiative enjoys growing support among the local residents. Another important aspect of the project is its multi-generational character: the museum is an attempt to find an appropriate way to communicate values such as patriotism and homeland, to reach also the youth.

More info: here


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