Bohemia Big Band
Fri 10th

Klasický big band (rytmika, pět saxofonů, čtyři trubky, čtyři trombóny) má ve svém repertoáru spoustu swingové klasiky (Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Benny Goodmann atd.) a často doprovází různé sólisty Karlem Hálou a Evou Pilarovou počínaje a Petrem Hanzlíkem, The Swings a Barborou Řeháčkovou konče.
Classical swing big band of the stars. Bohemia Big Band is the most traditional big band that plays together with the stars of Czech and world swing, like Karel Hála or Eva Pilarová. Their songs consist of the most famous swing musician’s songs, like Benny Goodmann or Glenn Miller. The concerts of big band are always played with a charm and grace.