Saddam and the Soviet Tank
What have Saddam Hussein and a Soviet tank got in common? Well they both feature in an exhibition by controversial Czech artist David Cern?, who shook up EU political correctness with his sculpture of European stereotypes suspended outside the EU Parliament. He is back in his home town with another ground-breaking exhibition - his first in 10 years - that includes some of the highlights of his career.
Among Cern?'s provocative works are a life-size replica of ex-Iraqi leader floating, Hirst-like, in an aqua-green filled tank bound in chains and ropes. Titled 'Shark', the work was banned from display from several other European countries including Poland. Also being staged are Cern?'s four pistols, mammoth replicas that release a mixture of different sounds as their triggers are pulled. Other exhibits include his Baby sculptures, the Soviet tank he once daubed bright pink and his Metalmorphosis fountain in North Carolina.
Cern?'s work will be on show at the Dvorak Sec Contemporary Gallery Click here, one of the city's newest art venues, until the end of September, which aims to lead the way in showcasing forward-thinking, entertaining and challenging art.