Fiesta Mayor
Fiesta Mayor is one of Sitges greatest festivals and brings together the best of Catalan culture with an unbelievable party atmosphere. Fiesta Mayor includes, dance, music, and parades, for all to enjoy -from childrens fancy dress parades to the large dragon that paroles the streets with fireworks exploding right left and centre from the dragons mouth.
19:00h. Parade and opening of "Les Barraques", Passeig de la Ribera (next to Greco's monument)
20:00h. Los Buhos in concert, La Fragata. Free entrance.
22:30 h. Festa Major Street Cry | On the Plaza Ayuntamiento, by Xavier Gimeno.
21:00 pm. Concert Blaumut and Els Catarres | In the gardens of Societat Recreativa El Retiro de Sitges.
21:00 pm. Concert Els Pets and La Carrau | In the gardens of Societat Recreativa El Retiro de Sitges.
21:00pm "Festa Sonora" music with DJs at Passeig de la Ribera
02:00am Kimberly & Clark DJs for dancing until dawn
22:30h. Delivery of the Flag | In the Parish of Sant Bartomeu and Santa Tecla, event with poems and singing of Sant Bartomeu "Goigs".
Then, with the musical group "Agrupació Musical Suburband del Retiro" parade to the home of the President of the "Commissió".
12:00h. "Grallers" Entrance
The different groups offer their inaugural plays in tribute to the founders of the Festa Major. | Streets Sant Francesc, Cap de la Vila, Major and Plaza Ayuntamiento
14:00h. 21 muskets are fired and the parish church bells are rung | Playa La Fragata
14:00 h. Sardanas | At Cap de la Vila two emblematic Sitges sardanas are danced: The Procession of Sant Bartomeu by the maestro Antoni Català and Festa Major by Enric Morera, played by Cobla Sitgetana
14:00 h. Popular Dances parade | Starting at Plaza Ayuntamiento: Gegants, Cabeçuts, Drac, Àliga, Diables, Bastons, Cercolets, Panderetes, Pastorets, Cintes, Gitanes and Moixiganga, accompanied by the musical group Suburband Retiro.
At the Cap de la Vila, the Moixiganga will perform the complete dance.
Arriving at Hort Can Falç and at the Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista, groups will perform every dance with parliaments (Ball de diables, Ball de Cercolets, Ball de Gitanes and Ball de Pastorets). Some groups will perform too at Las Magnolias.
18:00h. Castellers | La Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges at the Cap de la Vila.
19:00h. Flag Civic Procession (Processó de la Bandera) | The cercavila (circuit around town with the authorities, the Saint and the folkloric dances and musicians)
23:00 h. Fireworks By Pirotècnia Igual S.A. | From La Punta (Parish), La Fragata and the breakwaters
The traditional dances carry out "descent of the Stairs" at the Punta de Sitges
Parade to El Greco Monument and back to the Carrer Nou.
Then Sardanas and Dancing of Festa Major eve: Paseo de la Ribera
6:00h. Joyful and festive "matinal" From Miquel Utrillo and Morlius Baluard,The "matinal" begins and the folkloric dances follow an itinerary through the streets of town while flowers are handed out to lady spectators by "la Comissió". People can join the "passada de faxes" (only is needed to be dressed in white and wear "espardenyes de betes" and a "faixa")
10:30h. .Solemn mass in honour of Sant Bartomeu | In Parish Church of Sant Bartomeu and Santa Tecla
DracApoteòsica Sortida d'Ofici (exit of the mass)
The band accompanies the authorities to the Town Hall and after all the dances and their musicians cover the small distance between the parish church and the town hall while the sardana Festa Major is played by cobla Sitgetana. One of the most magical moment of the Festa Major.
Then: Castellers performance by La Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges. | Plaza Ayuntamiento
19:30 h. Sant Bartomeu's Procession | From Baluard the "cercavila" (circuit around town with the authorities, the Saint and the folkloric dances and musicians) ends with the Saint being returned to the parish church.
The Saint returns to the parish church
When the Saint is being returned to the parish church, in the plaza del Baluard in front of the church all the fires and crackers are lit, the dances are carried out to their respective music and a small firework display takes place. It is, in all probability, one of the most emotional and awe inspiring moments of the fiesta.
Last dance of "Bèsties de foc" and "Gegants"
With the Saint restored to the parish church, the gegants, drac and àliga (papier-mâché giants, dragons and eagle) dance their farewell at Plaça de l'Ajuntament
Great Dance of Festa Major
At the same time, on the Paseo de la Ribera, with orchestras.
12:30h. Vermut de Sant Lli | In Hort de Can Falç.
18:30 h. Castellers | In the Plaza Ayuntamiento with the groups "Minyons de Terrassa", "Castellers de les Roquetes" and "La Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges".
22:15 h. Sardana's Closing Eve |On the Platja Sant Sebastià with Cobla Maricel, cake, wine and fireworks