Dinosaur Demands Female Philologist Sacrifice

On April 14th, at 15:00, an enormous green dinosaur will emerge from its hiding place for its annual feast upon the flesh of a female philology student. To accommodate the rampaging behemoth, Vilnius officials will block traffic, keeping civilian casualties to a minimum as the hungry dinosaur trounces through the city centre of its way to Vilnius University where it will single out a female philology student and make a snack of her; so tradition demands.

How could Vilnius condone such carnage? It's all part of a 39-year-old exercise in absurdity, known locally as "Physics Day." Seems back in 1968, a bunch of "inspired" physics nerds decided to shake things up a bit and create an unstoppable "vehicle" for their unrequited and inept longing towards those sexy ladies of Vilnius University's philology department. Thus, Dinas Zauras - a paper-mache motorised monster with moving head and tail - was born and ordered by its undersexed creators to bring them a hot-bodied filly from the predominantly female philology department. Dinas Zauras, being an unstoppable monster, chose its quarry and devoured her much to the delight of the partying student procession that surrounded the creature, guiding it to its destination where young girls graciously "exposed" themselves in the main university courtyard. This year promises to be no different as the students of the Physics department go through with one of the most bizarre and elaborate mating rituals known to mankind. The procession will begin at the Physics Faculty on Sauletekio 9 at 15:00 and make noise all the way to the University's main courtyard, arriving some time around 16:00. The public is encouraged to attend and imbibe the atmosphere.


not shown
United States

Well, that's different, anyway. Weird enough to be a welcome change from the usual jazz festivals and stuff like that. Other than that .... just .... odd ....

Reply Dec 2nd, 2009
United States

Good grief!

Reply Mar 10th, 2008