Lording the Ladies: A Gallant's Guide to Picking Up Polish Women

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Casanova's partner in crime, the Prince de Ligne (1735-1814), was a considerable match for his Italian friend when it came to the art of seduction. A regular guest at Europe's wittiest salons, the Prince was a connoisseur of a great many things, not least the charms of the fairer sex. It was in Warsaw, however, that the Prince experienced one of his most pleasant surprises, and he wrote to a friend of his discovery: 'Polish ladies,' he espoused, 'have a grace, a charm and an abandon superior to those of women of all other parts of the world.'

Today, travellers continue to be struck by the charms of Polish ladies. And there can be no denying that they do have a certain je ne sais crois. But how does one behave if they endeavour to get their 'passport punched?' Here in Poland, chivalry still reigns supreme. Much as we hate to say it, flowers still carry a lot of currency and are a classic must, and a kiss on the hand goes a long way, even with the youngest of maidens (of consenting age!). As does paying for absolutely everything (pony up, boys). If you chance upon a Polish lass who doesn't subscribe to these customs, full steam ahead brother - you've got a keeper. Overall, however, femininity enjoys a good game of fetch. If that doesn't sound like your bag, bear the sound words of Grzesio Cieplinski in mind: 'He who does not know Polish ladies does not know life.'

If Cupid's arrow strikes you down whilst travelling through this fair country, we may just be able to help out. We asked an exacting Polish lady to share her thoughts on the matter of mating games and she very graciously prepared for us the following flattering declarations in hopes of improving our chances, and yours. So, without further ado, here are a few classic expressions to help you step into Casanova's well-heeled shoes and plow the way to a Polish lady's heart. Bonne Chance mes amis!

It works on all kinds, for all kinds...

Polish Pick-Up Lines

Raczki caluje laskawej Pani Dobrodziejce...sciele sie do nozek.
I kiss your hands, Madam, my gracious benefactor - I fall prostrate at your feet.

Pani uroda mnie zachwyca i oniesmiela... Brak mi slow...
Your beauty is clearly intimidating...there are no words, or perhaps it is beyond description...

Pani uroda mnie olsniewa. Jestem wprost bez tchu.
Your beauty is dazzling. I am stunned and breathless...

Wyglada Pani wprost zniewalajaco.
You look absolutely captivating.

Wyglada Pani swiezo jak wiosenny poranek.
You look as fresh as a spring morning.

Zyczenie laskawej Pani jest mi rozkazem.
Your wish is my command, m'lady.

Czy zechce Pani zaszczycic mnie chwila swego uroczego towarzystwa?
Would you care to honour me with your precious time and charming company?

Niebo blednie wobec barwy Pani oczu.
The skies are pale compared to the colour of your eyes.

Czy nie zechcialaby Pani udac sie ze mna na niewielki spacer?
Would you care to grace me with a little walk?

Czy nie zechcialaby Pani obejrzec mojej kolekcji znaczkow, lub kolekcji motyli?
Would you like to see my stamp collection, or my butterfly collection?

Pani inteligencja mnie doprawdy zdumiewa!
Your brightness leaves me stunned indeed! *[Editor's note: Commonly used after prior proposal is rejected]*

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not shown
United States

I really don't understand the line about the stamp collection vs. the butterfly collection. How exactly is this a pick up line or something endearing?

Reply Aug 25th, 2022
big papi 1337

The kind of shit polish parents would ironically use to make everyone around them cringe

Reply Nov 18th, 2020

I said the first one to my girlfriend and she blushed really hard and told me it just sounds really loyal. worked for me lol.

Reply Apr 23rd, 2021
Fifi Lamour

No chat up lines available for us women bedding the Polish dudes, then? :-(

Reply Aug 4th, 2018

Learn to cook Polish food and they will visit you (at meal times) whenever they are not with their mum! ...I'm not even joking.

Reply Aug 6th, 2018


Reply Sep 9th, 2018

hello girls

Reply Feb 20th, 2018
Your nan 69
United Kingdom

I am simply dissapointed. I was expecting hot and nice stuff but i got bamboozled,

Reply Feb 19th, 2018
United Kingdom

Hey, can anyone tell me how polish ppl pronounce this name ( Marzena )? Thankss

Reply Apr 3rd, 2016

I am going to Wraclaw, Poland at the begining of September. I am in a need of a beautiful female guide for 10 days long. Please contact Grig at grig.ohanyan@gmail.com

Reply Aug 14th, 2014
R Donald

How about: Nie mogę dać ci wiele o przyszłości, ale I może stanowić ciekawą przeszłość

Reply Feb 12th, 2013
United States

we do not have the vowel sounding letters . My pick up line ....I cannot fit any more Zloty's in my suitcase . I will have to take two .

Reply Nov 29th, 2012
United Kingdom

Why u didn't use ą, ę, ć, ó, ż, ź? :D

Reply Jul 2nd, 2012
Miguel Hernandez

They R kInD oF AweSoME,I wulD tRy N uSe the FirST thO'

Reply Jul 10th, 2011
United Kingdom

No I rather think that you are pathetic! Have you seen how lovely, in every sense, Polish girls are?!

Reply Jun 16th, 2011
United Kingdom

No I rather think that you are pathetic! Have you seen how lovely, in every sense, Polish girls are?!

Reply Jun 16th, 2011
United States

That is pathetic! To all polish brave knights: Poland is so poor because you waste your life with love! Don't be so romantic and don't dedicate your whole life to girls. There is much more out there then love!

Reply Aug 10th, 2010
United States

Boy: So, where are they?
Girl: Where's what?
Boy: Your wings, I know an angel when I see one.

That worked on me when I was 13...

Reply Jun 21st, 2010
Bernard Darnley
United Kingdom

How about? "You're a fine agricultural girl, can I WOW! you with my poetry". e.g. Wierzy w przeznaczeniea.

Reply May 18th, 2010
United Kingdom

I can't find 'Do you have a younger sister ?' Can you help ?

Reply Apr 8th, 2010
United States

hahaha, these are hilARIOUS! do they work?

Reply Mar 9th, 2010
Magan and Amanda
United States

You wouln't use those here!

Reply Nov 19th, 2007
United States

*dies laughing*

Reply Nov 11th, 2007

CZy zechce mi Pani obciagnac sweter?

Reply Nov 1st, 2007
The Goat
United States

THERE IS NO CHIVALRY!!! Write some real pick-up lines...

Reply Oct 22nd, 2007
Big D
United Kingdom

what about the tried and tested 'masz piekna dupeczke'...?

Reply Oct 22nd, 2007