Wilanow Poster Museum

- Phone
- +48 22 842 48 48
- Website
- Wilanow Poster Museum
- Address
- ul. Stanislawa Kostki Potockiego 10/16
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Wilanow Poster Museum has 3 votes. Click here to see the results.
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Editor's review
Opened in 1968 as the world's first poster museum, the Wilanow Poster Museum, housed in part of the the amazing Wilanow Palace complex, boasts one of the largest collections of art posters in the world. But what's that you say, posters are ads, not Art? Bullocks! we say, and you will too, upon seeing the craft, artistry, and design that went into creating each of the over 57,000 items on display. In addition to housing a huge collection of both Polish and international posters from two centuries, the museum also presents frequently-changing contemporary exhibits.
Editor & Warsaw Local
zgadzam sie ze trudno czegokolwiek sie dowiedziec na temat muzeum,ale warto szukac bo to bardzo inspirujace miejsce.
rewelacja, wspaniale plakaty, zadne muzeum nie powstydziloby sie takiej kolekcji,niestety slabo sie reklamuja i nikt na miescie nie wie o istnieniu muzeum : (jak juz wam sie uda dotrzec w okolice willanowa to koniecznie tu zagladnijcie
Well worth the trip out. The Japanese Poster Exhibition going on right now is really inspiring, but I've been a few times and there's always something cool, especially the permanent exhbition.
wczoraj bylam na wystawie japonskiego plakatu , poprostu swietna wystawa, samo muzeum to bajka !bardzo mi sie podobalo , bede polecac znajomym , warto jechac z centrum az do Wllanowa chociazby poto zeby zobaczyc wlasnie to miejsce.w samym palacu za duzo wycieczek.....polecam MUZEUM PLAKATU OBOK.