Exhibition: No such thing as society

Thu 1st

Intended as an overview of British documentary photography from the late 1960's - 1980's much of imagery on show is concerned with the problems and difficult times faced in Britain during these years. Deindustrialisation, the miners strike, the troubles in Northern Ireland and the general demise of Great Britain. Of course one of the key figures in all this mayhem was dear old Maggie, a woman who as far as I can tell, the Poles are still totally in awe of. Of course they didn't have to put up with the wretched hag for 11 years and watch her systematically destroy Britain and the little dignity the working classes had left (sorry, getting a bit carried away but those were my formative years!). The title of the exhibition itself comes from one of Thatchers most famous quotes "There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families."

The works on display come from the collections of the British Council and the Arts Council. The show is curated by David Alan Mellor, professor of art history at the University of Sussex.

Centre for Contemporary Art, ul. Jazdow 2