Planet Doc Film Festival
Fri 6th
A film festival dedicated entirely to documentary films and film making. In 2009 it won the prize for 'Most Important International Film Event' by the Polish Film Institute. This years event is the eighth annual outing.
There are films competing from the Sundance and Berlinare Film Festivals, and you'll find films covering a wide variety of topics including the war in Afghanistan, the gas drilling boom in the USA and a documentary telling the story of a Russian Millionaire turned convicted criminal.
There are screenings at Kinoteka, Palace Of Culture, Plac Defilad 1, tel. 22 551 7070; Kino Iluzjon, National Library, Al. Niepodleglosci 213, tel. 22 646 260; Kino Muranow, ul. Gen. Andersa 1, tel. 22 635 2529