From Warsaw to LuBlin

Hi,everyone. I'm a new foreigner student is Poland. Now I have a research on LuBlin's Economics and I really want to go there. Could some body tell me how can I get there? How can I find and book an accommodation for me and my friends. Many thanks for your help.

- Posted by new_student from Poland on Apr 27th, 2009

NEW_S: trains take like 2.5 hrs from warsaw to lublin. I dont knw about hotels you should do internet search for 'lublin nocleg' i think you might find someting.

- Posted by KasiaBasia from Poland on Apr 30th, 2009

Thank you so much. I will try.

- Posted by new_student from Poland on May 3rd, 2009

Hello you can check this websides to find a place to stay: I'm from Lublin so just ask if you need some help:) gosia

- Posted by gosia113 from Poland on May 7th, 2009

so can i ask how do i go to lublin from Warsaw except by train?

- Posted by nicole_choy from Poland on May 14th, 2009

hi, you can go by bus, it is called Contbus, it is a small one but is ok. to get to lublin it takes about 2,5 hour Warszawa-Lublin (from Jana Paw³a II street, it is near to railway sation in the city center)just ask someone:) time of departures are: 7.00 8.00 8.45 9.00 9.45 11.45 12.10 12.30 12.50 13.15 14.00 14.20 15.15 15.45 16.05 16.30 17.05 17.45 18.00 18.45 19.15 19.45 20.00 20.40 you ougt to be there about 20 min before departure to get a sit. it is cheaper than train, 25 zloty or 20 zloty for students. in Lublin you should ask how to get to the city center, it is not so far good luck:) gosia

- Posted by gosia113 from Poland on May 17th, 2009

Thank you so much Gosia. They were very helpful

- Posted by new_student from Poland on May 17th, 2009

no problem:)

- Posted by gosia113 from Poland on May 22nd, 2009

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