Basic Photography Course

If you like to photograph, but you are stuck in auto-mode on your Pocket Camera or DSLR, then join our community and venture out of auto-mode with us. We will develop your photographic eye and give you the knowledge needed to start being creative with your camera. Akademia Fotografii Amatorskiej (AFA) offers a great variety of courses and workshops for amateur photographers – beginners, intermediate and advanced. We offer our popular Basic Photography Course in English and we are accepting entries to our next scheduled Course (Spring Edition) , which starts on the 29th of March 2011. Classes are held in the centre of Warsaw, at ul. Solec 18/20 from 11:00-12:45.

- Posted by Akademia from Poland on Mar 14th, 2011

For Course details and entry please visit our website

- Posted by Akademia from Poland on Mar 14th, 2011

Now there are only 3 places left at the Basic Photography Course starting tomorrow on the 29th of March at 11! If you want to join please send an email to

- Posted by Akademia from Poland on Mar 28th, 2011

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