Theatres in Wroclaw

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pl. Teatralny 4

1. Teatr Lalek

2 reviews
al. Dębowa 16
ul. Purkyniego 1

3. Teatr Piesn Kozla

0 reviews
ul. Rzeźnicza 12

4. Teatr Wspolczesny

1 review
ul. Piłsudskiego 67

5. Teatr Muzyczny Capitol

0 reviews

Reviews about Theatres in Wroclaw


Teatr Wspolczesny

Fantastic, I am so happy that I have found this place - can't wait to visit.

Teatr Lalek

A unique place in Wroclaw. Take your kids if only to have a look at the puppets on display!

New Zealand,
Teatr Lalek

yeah i think there is some copyright violation going on there ;)

Wroclawski Teatr Pantomimy

...completely cramping C3PO's style...

United States,
Wroclawski Teatr Pantomimy