Exhibition: Battle of Grundwald

Mon 1st

Marking the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Grundwald and the 25th of the National Museum's associated Raclawice Panorama, the Museum has organized a new exhibition assembling together works by the Panorama artists - Jan Styka, Wojciech Kossak, Tadeusz Popiel, and Zygmunt Rozwadowski. Other highlights include: a huge painting (5mx10m) of the battle by Popiela and Rozwadowski created exactly 100 years ago, a sketch of a planned “Grundwald Panorama” by Styka (planned to be displayed in Krakow’s Barbakan) that never came to be, and one version of Kossak’s “Battle of Grundwald” painting. Visitors in March shouldn’t hesitate to visit the Raclawice Panorama even if only for its permanent display - a massive cylindrical painting of the Battle of Raclawice.

National Museum, Plac Powstańców Warszawy 5