Jazztopad Festival: Wroclaw and Tokio Together for Jazz

A year ago, as part of the Polish-Korean co-operation, Jazztopad presented the Polish jazz scene during one of the world’s biggest festivals – the Jarasum International Jazz Festival, and the music of Korean artists sounded during Jazztopad. This year we reach further and plan to conquer the Japanese scene at the Tokyo Jazz Festival.
During the 10th, jubilee edition of Jazztopad the Wrocław audience will have the opportunity to hear artists from Japan, who on 22 and 23 November will introduce us to their jazz scene, one of the richest and most colourful in the world. The list of performers playing under the banner Tokyo Jazz Festival presents: JAPAN features, among others, Michiyo Yagi and Quasimode.
For two days, under the banner Jazztopad presents: POLAND, young Polish musicians will perform for the Tokyo audience:
On Friday 6 September in the legendary Cotton Club the pianist Marcin Masecki will play a solo recital, and the Maciej Obara International Quartet will introduce the Japanese audience to the music of Krzysztof Komeda, featured on the group’s first album ‘Komeda’.
On Saturday 7 September in Tokyo Plaza Marcin Masecki with his group will perform a programme called ‘Polonaises’, whereas Piotr Damasiewicz and Gerard Lebik as VeNN Circles will play the music for Polish animated cartoons by Stefan Schabenbeck: Wszystko jest liczbą [All Is a Number] (1966), Schody [Stairs] (1968), Susza [Drought] (1969), Wiatr [Wind] (1969), and Inwazja [Invasion] (1970).
This event happens in Narodowe Forum Muzyki