Money advice - Wroclaw

Credit cards are quickly becoming the standard in Poland. Having said that, once again, it won't hurt to keep a little change in your pocket. Although you'll have no problem paying with plastic at a hotel or a shop, don't look surprised when a cafe or restaurant asks for the paper stuff.

Polish currency is called the Zloty (meaning, literally, "golden" or "gold one"). Poland is set to start using the Euro in 2009, though many pessimists would likely add a year or two to that date. However, many hotels, restaurants and services already accept the European currency. Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, you should keep a few gold ones in your pocket.

ATMS (Cash Machines)

Here's a tip: If you don't see "ATM" look for a "Bankomat" sign. You'll have no trouble finding a cash machine around Wroclaw, particularly around the centre of town. Look for them in all the standard spots, with one exception: many gas stations still don't have one. You'll be surprised at the good exchange rates these little machines will give you. Usually, they are more favourable than those provided at the bureaus. All major credit cards are accepted and these machines are fast and safe. However, please remember standard safety practices for collecting money in public places. Don't go yelling about your wad of cash. And it's generally a good idea to avoid taking money out at the train station.


You might as well leave your chequebook at home - Poland is not a fan of this form of payment.

Bureaux de Change (Kantor)

Exchange rates can vary drastically even on the same block - so keep your eyes peeled. Avoid the bureaux de change on the tourist trails, and watch out for commissions or sneaky zeros slipped in to the rate. Look for the word "Kantor."


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Huddy Buddy
United Kingdom

Its all about the money, money, money :D

Reply Feb 12th, 2015
Joon-Suk Lee
United States

This might be of interest to any US traveler to Wroclaw: If you have a Bank of America ATM card you should be able to withdraw cash from the ATM of Deutsche Bank (has a ATM in the ul. Rzeznicza two blocks away from the Rynek, market square) without any fees. That's at least what I have been experiencing in the last few days here (June 2008).

Reply Jun 28th, 2008