One Year to Go Until Euro 2012

This week Wroclaw will celebrate a momentous occasion, counting down only one year left to go until the UEFA Euro football championship in 2012, which will take place in part in Wroclaw.

The celebrations will take place before Centennial Hall (Hala Stulecia/Hala Ludowa) at the Pergola and Wroclaw's multimedia fountain. A special show of light, water, video projections and music is planned, as well as the participation of over one hundred artists including dancers, acrobats, actors, and musicians.

Wroclaw's new stadium, which is being specially prepared for the Euro 2012 championship, is nearly finished as well. Its inaugural event, a football game, will take place on 8 August 2011.

One Year to Go UEFA Euro 2012 celebrations will take place on Wednesday 8 June 2011 kicking off at 9:30pm.


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