Weather in Zakopane
We hope you find this up-to-date forecast useful. We've recently updated it, so you should get an accurate 5-day weather report. You may be travelling to Zakopane from Krakow, in which case if snow is forecast for there, you can bet your bottom dollar that Zakopane is due virtually double the amount of the white stuff than the Old Royal capital. Although Autumns are mild in the Highlands, Summers can be hot, and it's very rare that there is not significant snowfall in Winter - skiers are rarely left in the lurch. Regardless of whether there's a high or low snowfall, it's advisable to only explore the mountains if you are with at least one companion. For more specific weather precautions, please read our guide to avalanches.
We are come 1st december is it possible to make heavy snow ?
ReplyANyone know how the snow is this week? Going to Zakopane around Wed 8th March 2017... thanks
ReplyHi love your site, very helpful. We are planning a visit arriving on 13th December. How likely is it that the slopes will be open by then?? Staying in Zakopane without a car. thanks for any guidance you can give.
ReplyThe slopes open at the earliest possible convenience, when there's enough chill in the air to prevent the snow from melting:) If there's not enough real snow, they add a good dollop of artificial one, so the skiers can enjoy their time in Zakopane and the area to the maximum:) After all, this is their business, right?;)
ReplySorry meant to say in Zakopane. Thanks
ReplyAbout what temperature will the weather be in early May?
ReplyHi, can any one tell me if in 1 st april there will be snow in zakopane mountains and how is the weather in april in krakow?
Replyhello, we are staying near butorowy skipiste next jan '14, are there busses stops to witowski near by? thanks!
Replysorry i ment the below question for zakopane....of course
ReplyHello, unless extreme bad weather conditions with strong wind, Kasprowy Wierch cable car and the 2 other chairlifts are fully opened and working.Snow conditions are very good now with even more snowfall ; and it is possible to go down from mountains to valleys until Kuznice without problems at all. Hope it helps.Have a nice time in Zakopane.Staff of Apart-center and Ogrodygorskie residence ( 3 residences of 26 comfy apartments in and around Zakopane)
ReplyHow is the snow conditions on Kasprowy Wierch at the moment? Going there to ski next weekend 25-28th January. Is the valley run down to Kuznice open or do we need to take cable car down?
ReplyHello, Check the webcamera of Morskie OKO: You will see that there is a lot of snow and it is foggy now.In a week time, it may change,who knows.To get to that lake, you do not have to climb at all but walking on a path covered with snow for 9 km.Then , you may decide to walk around Morskie OKO with good trekking shoes on path covered of snow.Check first weather forecast : n other website with weather forecast . Hope it helps.Have a nice time in Zakopane.Staff of Apart-center and Ogrodygorskie residence ( 3 residences of 26 comfy apartments in and around Zakopane)
ReplyHi, we will go to Zakopane to ski next Wednesday to Friday. We also plan to climb to the eye of the sea on Thursday or Friday. Which date do you recommend us to climb the mountain? We just afraid that we cannot see it clearly. Thanks.
ReplyZakopane is great. Lots of snow here at present as of 16/01/2013, and temp are 2 degs in day and -4 at night. Ski slopes are perfect, my 1st time here, food and Resturants are great.we are expected to have lots of snow tonight, enjoy all.
ReplyHello Dear Nick, after a Christmas and New Year with Sunny weather, it seems that now snowy weather will be on for a while.An other website with weather forecast . Hope it helps.Have a nice time in Zakopane.Staff of Apart-center and Ogrodygorskie residence ( 3 residences of 26 comfy apartments in and around Zakopane)
ReplyGreat, lets hope you get lots of snow this month for my arrival, cant wait to visit Zakopane again, such a great place.
ReplyHello Dear, temperatures went up for the last few days, so there is not too much snow in the city, however most ski slopes are opened for skiing(unfortunately not Kasprowy Wierch resort).In the next few days, Temperatures are going to go down enough to be able to make some man made snow(as natural snowfalls are lacking now in Zakopane). And sunny days are expecting to be there in Zakopane until the 2nd January at least. Hope it helps.Staff of Apart-center and Ogrodygorskie residence ( 3 residences of 26 comfy apartments in and around Zakopane)
ReplyHello Dear Barry, ski conditions are very good at the moment with low temperatures below 0 Celsius by night and day (so good to make some man made snow)and with a lot of sunshine since few days.Some snowfall are expected in next few days.Most of resorts are opened for skiing but no Kasprowy yet.Have a nice Christmas , and then a very nice time in Zakopane.Hope my answer helps. Staff of Apart-center and Ogrodygorskie ( 3 residences of 26 comfy apartments in and around Zakopane)
ReplyHello, there has been a lot of snowfall from few days and the scenery is beautiful. You may check the link below for webcamera on most ski slopes in Zakopane and for the level of snow. Have a nice time in Zakopane on slopes and after skiing in city and apartments.Hope the answer helps.Staff of Apart-center and Ogrodygorskie ( 3 residences of 26 comfy apartments in and around Zakopane)
ReplyHello, there has been a lot of snowfall from few days and the scenery is beautiful. You may check the link below for webcamera on most ski slopes in Zakopane and for the level of snow. Have a nice time in Zakopane on slopes and after skiing in city and apartments.Hope the answer helps.Staff of Apart-center and Ogrodygorskie ( 3 residences of 26 comfy apartments in and around Zakopane)
ReplySnowboarding season :-) trip planned Dec 28 We went last year and it was the best Holiday ever!!! I am writing to santa claus and asking for lots of snow in Zakopane.... yooo hooo Keep us posted!!
ReplyHi, trekking paths would be opened for sure in low-medium valleys and paths with little snow.However it may be still some snow in some high summits or parts of mountain (in shadow or not)where you can get with right equipment(trekking poles, shoes...).Be careful as it can be slippery with ice. Staff of Ogrodygorskie(3 residences of very clean and cosy 27 apartments in and around Zakopane)
ReplyHi, We would like to have a traking tour in Tatra mountains in the very beggining of the May(1st-4th). Are trails already opened at this time of the year? Is it possible that snow is still in mountains and it is not safe inaf to walk there? Thanks!
ReplyHELLO Mr Pin Choh, It is hard to say how many slopes will be still opened for skiing or snowboarding at that period(end March-beginning of April).However there will be for sure few opened so it will be good enough for you to start learning snowboarding.Hope my predication will reveal to be be accurated. Staff of Ogrodygorskie(3 residences of very clean and cosy 27 apartments in and around Zakopane)
Replyi am a beginner in snowboarding and i want to know is 25 march to 17 april a good time to go learn snowboarding?
ReplyApres ski bars and restaurants are in each ski resorts and a lot on the main street.There are also Pizza-Restaurants on the top of the main ski resort Kasprowy , but also there are on each ski slopes/resort.Nightlife is nice in the city, mostly high street and from Friday evening, there are disco restaurant, nightclubs, ambiance bar, there are choices for everyone.Beer is from 5 PLN to 12 PLN, and rum cola from 10 to 25 PLN depending on the place where you go(bar nleczny->nightclub, 5 star restaurant).Check the price list before ordering, to avoid misunderstandings when paying bill.Hope the answer helps.
ReplyHello, there is a lot of snow in Zakopane and also on all slopes in and around Zakopane.As you can see from the above weather forecast, temperature are well below 0 Celsius, so it is advised to wear a lot of layers of windproof, polar fleece clothes and also gloves, beanie, clava, balaclava, gator, gaiters...but not so many as it is important to be move easily when skiing ;-) When skiing , the coldness is even stronger; when there is sun, it is warmer but not so much and if you ski at end of afternoon time, it would be very cold. Staff of Ogrodygorskie(3 residences of very clean and cosy 27 apartments in and around Zakopane)
ReplyHello, it is not possible to know with certitude if there will be a lot of snow on slopes in beginning April, and how many slopes will be still opened for skiing.But, this year, there is a lot more snow that last year , and 2 years ago, and the temperatures are very low not like last year.So, we may have a big hope to be able to ski in the main resort until the 3rd of May like 2 years ago, lower slopes closing down slowly from middle of March.But there is no 100% certitude.Hope it helps.Staff of Ogrodygorskie(residence of very clean and comfy 27 apartments in and around Zakopane)
ReplyHello Fatboys, Freeride is not really tolerated in Zakopane main ski resort as if anything goes wrong for you or anybody else from your group, the rescue team will come to rescue you but in the same time rescuers are taking a lot of risks and may risk their own lives.They can also later ask you to pay a big firn for rescuing operation(not covered by any insurance ) and also they can sew you in justice court for not respecting the signs which are located next to freeride area and for endangering lives of other persons and rescuers.They are not kidding anymore with the free roiders since some rescuers lost their lives rescuing some inconscient freeriders few year ago.Hope the answer helps.Staff of Ogrodygorskie residence (27 very comfy, clean and affordable apartments for rent in and around Zakopane)
Replyhey guys im going to zakopane and im going next year january (2012)i was told by the person whos house we are going to stay in said that it always snows in zakopane in january
ReplyIm coming back to zakopane for my fourth visit in January I love it there the people are so friendly and the snow is always deep and crisp looks like a Xmas card every time we go.
Replyarriving in zakopane on the 13th Dec 2011 any chance of snow by that time departing on the 21st how was the snow that time last year
ReplyHello, even if not very accurate, you may check the weather forecasts given by some websites 14 days before your coming to Zakopnae.The nost accurate are forecasts 5 days in advance given by
ReplyHey anyone - I am going on Krakow for a few days on the 23rd of this month and hope to visit Zakopane - will there be snow?? I hope so
ReplyHey, Does anybody know what weather is expected at the very start of December this here or what conditions in general would be like? Cheers
ReplyIt is very difficult to say what the weather will be in a month time.The max. forecasts are given for 14 days, not a month.But for sure it will be very cold(around O Celsius and less), maybe some snow already.For now, it is a very nice and warm Fall season with a lot of sun and warm by day, cold by niht.Staff of Ogrodygorskie (residence of very comfortable and afforadble apartments in Zakopane)
ReplyLOVE YOU ZAKOPANE!!!! MISS U ZAKOPANE!!! One f my greatest dreams is to have a cottage/house there! Evreyone of u that has been there recently or are going there, I envy you!!!!
ReplyWe are looking forward to our 5th trip to Zakopane! We have a great affection for the place. The slopes are great for beginners & those looking for a 'relaxing' skiing holiday. We find the people of Zakopane to be amongst the friendliest & we are staying in the same chalet for the 4th time with the loveliest hotelier existing. We have found ourselves a very friendly chap with a bus who takes us (23 of us) everywhere we want to go at a very reasonable rate. We can't wait to get there!!! It's not for the advanced skier and it's true, vegetarians may have to exist on pizza & trout but we love it...
ReplyOk this is 10 out of 10 for effort, the site looks great, but as the other guys say, no local weather and no ski report. Why not go to and get a full detail mountain forecast specifc to Zakopane and we also do your ski reports! Check it out. Grab the free plugin for your site! Good luck!!
Replysurely someone can offer news of what the snow is like round Zakopane daily ? Also, where is a map of the ? three skiing area
Reply@lee - the snow has arrived (finally!) Sorry it was not here when you were around :( I agree there's not a huge amount to do without snow, but as for maps, I found the Zakopane Life maps pretty much everywhere! They were really useful too!
ReplyZakopane is good city if there is snow. We've been here for 6 days without the slopes being open and there is nothing else left for us to do. If this was just a town without the mountains it wouldnt be worthwhile coming. The nightlife is ok. But it's all the same style restaurants serving the same food(which is good but certainly not a place for vegetarians.)The town doesn't know how to organise itself for tourists and especially non-polish speaking ones. It's practially impossible to find any info about the place other than about 2 websites and the forums on here.In the town centre there are no maps, no road signs and most things aren't translated. I would come back for snowboarding but not for a general holiday. I like the place but it's completely disorganized.
ReplyHello, Here a reaction from Zakopane! Last year wasn't that good, but eventhough nature is not always providing enough snow, they will make sure that the snowblowers prepared the slopes well enough. Normally there is always good snow in the Polish mountains starting from December untill March (sometimes April). Dont worry, you will be satisfied about snow conditions, but remember that the slopes in the Alps are much higher!
ReplyHello Russel, snowfall last year were almost none , one year before it was a lot of snow and very good ski condition.Nobody can plan very in advance when the snow will fall down. Hello Jodie,the weather can be rainy and snowing in Mid-end November with temperatures from 0 to 10 by day and -5 to 5 by night.But the weather in Zakopane because of the mountains can be very changing from one day to an may check the weather at,menu,pol,glowna,0,0,1517,prognoza_pogody,ant.html .Hope it helps. Hope my answer helps.
Replyhey could anyone tell me wot the weather and snow fall and temp is like in zakopane around mid november? please
ReplyHello Russell, the ski season starts usually about the 19th December if the snow conditions and temperatures are good to open slopes and make slopes practicable.(but it may be also before or later)There are plenty of slopes suitable mostly for beginner and medium advanced persons/kids.Weather forecasters expect a strong winter with a lot of snow but it is hard for them o plan the snowfall in the time.hope it helps.
ReplyWE hope to travel to russia and the Baltic states next year. when will it be comfortable to travel to Warsaw and Zakopane. Not too hot and not too cold either!
ReplyI was there a couple of weeks ago and it rained all weekend! I never saw the mountains at all!