We've got a soft spot for this local cheese, but what other foreigners will make of it is anyone's guess. Some have called it an ''acquired taste,'' and bear that in mind before you sit down for a serious session. Indeed, there's no denying that "Oscypek" is a rather rubbery creation. But in Poland it's a much-loved snack, and we love it too - you can even get it on pizzas these days. Believe it or not, a clan of Highland fellows recently fought to have the cheese patented by the EU, catapulting the stuff into the realm of such refined delicacies as champagne, parma ham, gorgonzola and um, Melton Mowbray pork pies. As always, there was much wrangling over who owned the real recipe. Was it the Slovaks over the hill, or was it the Poles and their own time-honoured formula? In the end, it was decided that Poles could call their brand "oscypek" whilst Slovaks could sell theirs as 'ostiepok', thus echoing local dialects. Give it a try it at this super cheesy festival.